Just admit you do cause I know it's true. lol. So what have all of you been up to? I have been soooooo busy! I don't remember if I told you all that my husband was going to India on business for THREE WEEKS! But he did, he will be home on Sunday. So as I'm sure you can all figure out I've been super busy with doing all the parenting, working, school stuff and everything else on my own. I just can't handle any more of this! Thank God he comes home on Sunday. They almost wanted to have him stay another few weeks, and with me in retail and the holidays basically here in my store I was about to have a heart attack. lol.Speaking of which am I the only person who thinks it a bit crazy that people are Christmas shopping already! I mean I work at Bath & Body Works and we have our Christmas displays up and music playing. It's freaking crazy! lol. I have people coming in with Christmas lists and checking things off already. Hot damn, I haven't even started to think about what I want yet....okay okay so I'm lying. There are a few pieces of Brighton Jewelry I am dying for. lol. Whatever, I was just looking....and emailing links to my husband. haha. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
So because this is me and I always have to have some type of bitch fest in my blogs let me tell you how annoyed I get with some customers....we give out a lot of coupons at my store, A LOT! And nothing (and I am stressing the NOTHING) annoys me more than when someone has a coupon for a free item and decides they don't want that free item so they want to pick out some other random piece and get that free. Oh and don't forget the eye rolls and attitude when I say no, cause God freaking forbid you don't get what you want! IT'S FREE! TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT! Oh or how about when a sign plain as days says something the customer doesn't read it and then throws a fit at you? Or no wait for this one, this is good. I had a customer come in and complain that we didn't have big enough gift sets, so I get her a bigger one, then the problem is that it's big but she doesn't like the basket oh and it doesn't cost enough, yup you got it, her daughter will check the price so it had to be at least $60.
So after I basically make her a set of what she wants she has the nerve to freaking tell me that for that amount of money she should get more stuff, can't I throw in the little teddy bear with the mini lotion and gel (that costs $12.50!)I laughed (pretend) and told her I couldn't so then when I rung her up I asked if she wanted to get the bear and she says "not if I have to buy it"! OMG the freaking nerve of some people, and it's just starting! I can only laugh right now, I am trying to keep my humor here, haha.
So what else? Oh yeah, pretty soon I will have another blog up with my jewelry. Yup, remember when I was telling you all about the jewelry party I was having? All sterling silver and swavorski crystals? Well I ended up loving the stuff so much I was going broke. But then I really looked into it and realized I could make the stuff myself. It's not really hard, it just takes time and imagination to think up new designs. So that's what I'm doing. I have a lot of fun new pieces I will be showing you all but the best part? You can totally create your own stuff. Pick out the color, size, shape, charms...etc. I can create it, you can or we can do it together. As soon as I get it all together I'll put the link for it up here.
Well that's it for me. What's new with all of you?????
~ Nicole
Kids Say the Darnedest Things
10 years ago
I'm in the process of moving and have my head shoved up my ass! Glad to see your back!
I used to work at B and B Works. It's a zoo around the holidays. I'm sure you'll have a lot more stories soon!
I am so glad to see you're back... I've been checking! You'll have to stop by and see my new site!
I forgot to say... I can't wait to see the jewelry!!!
Nicoooolllllleeeeee, I miss you. COme back to blogland!!!
This isn't funny anymore. Come back.
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