Friday, June 27, 2008


I'm a Christian and I seem to be finding that they are the ones at this time of my life that are offending the most. Just because we believe in Heaven and that it is this great much better than earth does NOT mean I am happy my sister is there instead of here. She is 20 she shouldn't be there yet.

Don't tell me that God loved Hannah so much he decided to make her an angle cause he wanted her. REALLY? You really think that? So many people both young and old die all the time and your telling me that God decided he just had to have Hannah! He just decided that it didn't matter that she was my parents baby, that she had two nieces and a nephew, that she didn't get to live her life yet. He just needed her that much? REALLY? I just don't think so...

And I don't draw comfort from it either.

Two most horrible things to say to me right now....

1) She's in a better place
2) How are you? am I? If you thought about that for two seconds before it left your mouth you would know I am horrible...So why are you asking? Especially the people that don't really even know me...or Hannah. I hate that. So many people are coming up to me and acting like they care so much. And I just feel so angry right now. At them, at everything!

None of this is fair and I know life's not fair but this really is beyond what I think I can bear. I don't know how to live happily....

Sorry I know this is all a ramble but this is my only vent.

~ Nicole


Anonymous said...

Because people just suck and don't know what to say unless they've been through it. Just try to remember that no one is actually trying to hurt or upset you but that they don't want to avoid the issue but they dont' want to harp on about it repeatedly with you bc you may not want that either.

Lori said...

I'm so glad your comments are working now...

I think that folks are just saying what they think will make you feel better. The intentions are all good :) Instead, you just need to have time to work it out on your own. Just know that we're all here to listen to you vent, and support you.

So, how are you? *snicker* (Did I make you smile?)

Seriously, hang in there... we're all thinking about you. Someday, in the future, you will smile again. Something will remind you of Hannah and you'll laugh, and you'll be shocked.


Rowena said...

You know when my best friend in high school's boyfriend died, I was so scared of asking her the wrong question that I avoided her. Not because I didn't want to be there for her, but because I didn't know how to be there for her. I was scared I would ask the very same questions that make you mad. I didn't want to make her mad so I'm never any good at things like this.

But I'll read your blog and I'll hope that things get better for you sweetie and though I might know the right thing to say or the right thing to do, know that I'm thinking about you and hoping that you'll be okay even if I'm too scared to ask you. =)