Thursday, July 26, 2007

Am I really a bad mom???

Okay here's the thing....Josh just signed Jordon up for flag football. Now if you all remember last year we did the football thing, but it was real tackle and all, and Jordon did NOT like it! lol. We ended up pulling him mid season. It was to much, he was one of the youngest and smallest boys and he was getting so bullied by the 7 year olds on the teams. But Josh has been practicing with him, flag style, and he loves it. So here we go again.....

He will be having three practices a week and when school starts going down to two. If you ask me I think it's a little much for 6 year olds. But whatever. Here's where I'm wondering if I'm a bad mom. Josh came home from the registering parent meeting and is all gunge hoe on the football stuff. I just am not really interested, I don't particularly like sports. I don't care if my kids play it but it doesn't spark my interest. Well Josh is all "you need to participate and be there and blah blah blah" and my thoughts are 'you signed him up! you have the job where your done at 5! you like football' why the hell am I getting the guilt trip over this?!

I mean when he has games I will make sure I am off and there. I will try to like it and I will love watching him play. BUT why do I have to go to his practices? Josh is there, isn't that enough?

So tell me the truth. Am I really a bad mom????


You all know I am the Assistant Manager at the store I'm at right? Well before I was there obviously there was another one.

Well she went out on maternity leave, and that's when I got hired on. When just recently she came in and said she was coming back I was told that 'we didn't' expect her to come back after the baby' WTF!

So as of now there are going to be two AM's in the store, and on the DL I'm being told 'no worries, we're transferring her'.

And then the manager is all 'she may be AN Assistant but she's not MY Assistant. YOU are.' Me rolling my eyes!

So whatever, normally I just wouldn't care. I mean hey, we could really hit it off and work as a team, right? Hell no. All I hear is that she is super bossy and always wants to be in charge and that she is constantly stealing sales etc. etc. But I know I should wait and make my own opinions.

But not to mention she just had a baby and she is like a freaking size 2! That'll make you hate a girl, lol.

Anyway she comes back today and opens with me. So Josh is all why are you up so early? And I'm all I wanted to get my clothes ready and do my hair and make-up so I can get to work early. He's all why? And I'm all "Cause I'm going to be better!" lol. He's all 'your such a child'. lol.


~ Nicole

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Battle of the Phones

I need help.

Right now I am with Sprint for my cell phone services. BUT I just got a new phone in January and am not crazy about it anymore. I want something cooler, with more computer options on it and stuff. I mean I can check my email and stuff on it now, but it is just a regular flip phone. But when I got the new phone I signed another 2 year contract.

But I have a friend that works at T-Mobile and he said he can give me this cool phone I want for free or the one I REALLY want for $150 (it's a $400 phone), and also one for Josh. But I don't know if I want to switch.

If I switch I'll have to deal with the cancellation fee's from Sprint and all that. But most of my family does have T-Mobile so it will save me money there. Hmmmmm, decisions decisions.

So who has what? T-Mobile or Sprint, what should I do? Who do you suggest? Who has the better services? Tell me the good and the bad.

Right now we pay about $90 a month for 1400 shared minutes, but our nights start at 7pm. T-Mobile I get 2000 minutes for $99 but the nights don't start till 9pm. Those two hours make a world of difference. That's ..... oh hell no! Never mind I'm not switching that's over 3000 minutes for those two hours everyday (within a month) and I definitely use them! Grrrr, but I REALLY want new phones! Maybe I should just find a hook up that works for Sprint. lol.

~ Nicole

Saturday, July 14, 2007

My first Tattoo!

I've wanted a tattoo for soooo long, the only thing stopping me is the 'what' and 'where'. I am not to crazy about having one on my ankle or arm where it is very out in the open, especially at work. But I didn't want one in a completely hidden area for two reasons. One cause DUH I want to show it off, and two all my hidden area's are so flubby I don't want even a tattoo artist to see it. And I don't particularly want to look at it either so the tattoo wouldn't get much attention. lol.

So me and my two sisters decided to get a tattoo of three stars signifying the three of us. We also decided to do it on the top of our foot. Right to the side of where a flip flop strap would be. This way if I wanted to or had to I could where a boot or pants to cover it at work if need be. But it is still very open with casual clothes if I want it to be.

BUT OH MY GOOD LORD did it hurt! NEVER NEVER NEVER do your foot! I actually jerked it away at one point and got myself an extra little line added to the tattoo. Hopefully it will fade, the artist said it would because he wasn't pressing hard or anything when I jerked away.

Oh and here is a picture of Josh's. He got a big one on his arm. It's hot!

And here we are all togeather with our matching tattoos! So freaking cute huh? WE want to add color eventually.

Here's one of my sister getting hers, and of my cousins. Isn't his out of this world? I love it but OMG would that hurt!

~ Nicole