Sunday, May 6, 2007

Brothers and Sisters

Does anybody besides me watch this show? And love it as much as me? I'm obFREAKINGsessed withe this show!

Okay, how slutty and skanky are Holly and Rebecca, what a team of mother and daughter. Huh? I was totally on Rebecca's side and was pissed at Joe till the end of the show last week when we saw what really happened.

Which is something I want to talk about. I know Joe and Sarah are having problems and what Joe did was totally wrong, but would you forgive him? And don't you think Rebecca was more in the wrong? It's like she's trying to pull apart their marriage. I think she wants to sabotage the entire Walker family any way that she can. I so don't like her.

And Kitty? OMG she is such a funny drunk/druggie! lol...and Kevin just can't keep his mouth quiet about a damn thing can he?

Why was Nora laughing with Holly at the end? She should have bitch slapped her while she was throwing all that food at her. Oh boo hooo, I don't feel bad for Holly at all.

But I am all stressed over what's going to happen with Tommy's wife! I don't want her to lose any of the babies! I was in tears at the end of the show.

Okay, my wrist hurts, that's all for tonight. TTYL....

~ Nicole


Anonymous said...

Your wrist hurts? What the hell have you been doing? (Ha!)

Love the new look!

Nicole said...

Yeah, Josh wishes! lol. But really? I don't know what is wrong with my wrist. It does this every so often. I went to the doctors once and they said it was either carpultunl (Okay I soooo know that is not how you spell it so don't correct me!) or arthritis (same goes). They sent me for some tests but by time the appointment came around it didnt' hurt anymore so I didn't go. That's me! So now it hurts again, like I cannot put any pressure on it AT ALL! Last night me and Josh were getting our freak on (and it was good! TMI, I know) and I leaned on it and almost burst out in tears. Yeah mood killer.

Thanks, I love it too!