Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Move is ON!

Okay so it's on, 11 days and counting till I move. I just wanted to pop in and give you all an update.

I gave my notice the beginning of last week, this Saturday is my last day. My boss took it better than I thought. She's only mean about it behind my back not to my face, lol, gotta love petty women, right? So but really it's not that bad, who knows maybe they'll actually give me a best wishes card this weekend....

I start the new job on Tuesday, exactly a week from now! I'm really excited. I just can't wait to be back. I don't know if I mentioned I worked in this store before, the entire year it was first opened. So it's kinda like I'm moving back home to live and work. lol.

We signed our new lease this past Saturday and should get our keys the beginning of next week. So then we can slowly start moving some boxes and stuff. The big move though is 6/2, we got a HUGE truck so we can do it all in one big move. Since it's a 40 min. drive we don't want to be going back and forth. I'll take a ton of pics and post them of my new place. I'm so excited.

So after all that.....thank you all for wishing me well and routing for us to find the right place and for me to get the nerve to give my notice. lol. Don't know how I'd have gotten through. ha.

I'm sure I won't be around much now with all the packing and all. So I'll see you when I see you. But don't worry....I WILL BE BACK!

~ Nicole


Anonymous said...

"But don't worry....I WILL BE BACK!"

Is that a threat?

(good luck on the move!)

*~*Cece*~* said...

Good luck with the move!!!!

Rowena said...

Holy crap Nicole, you've been spammed!

But man, you're going to be in your new house pretty soon, woo hoo for you! =)

Anonymous said...

hope it all goes well xx