Thursday, May 10, 2007


I have lost all respect for George! He was never my favorite character, actually for all of the first season and most of the second I couldn't stand him, but he's grown on me since. And to think after all that he has to go and actually believe Izzy's STUPID and so unbelievable LIE about not having feelings for him. Okay yeah, that's not completely a ploy to get him to stay. WHATEVER! Which by the way I don't want him and Izzy together.

Oh shit! And did you see the tension at the end when Izzy was talking about having the man you love love you back. And Kallie was all twitching, you know she wanted to go Latina on her white ass! lol. No offense, just saying. Also Izzy has been pissing me off beyond words lately. What a skank, have some freaking respect, for both herself and her 'best friend'. If she really cared about him she'd respect his marriage and leave him the hell alone.

Oh and I'm sorry but I am so over Meredeth. Yes it sucks what an ass her father was to her, but I'm tired of all her drama. And you know what? I think Derek deserves better. She pushes him away and then when he gives her space she wants him back. Then he comes back and she ignores him and pushes away again. Make up your damned mind girl!

I soooo want to know what is up with Alex. Not really him and memory girl, although I like her in the show. But him. We don't really know anything about him. I want some deets!

LMAO! And how about the previews for next week? Christina has no eyebrows! That has got to be one of my worst nightmares. Which would explain why I have bushy eyebrows (always forgetting to clean them up with the tweezers, to busy), and won't get them waxed!

And lastly...(since I don't care enough to discuss anything else that happened tonight) WTF happened on that mountain?!?! I think I am more pins and needles over that than anything else. Do you think they'll follow through with it next week? I am all about it!

~ Nicole


Unknown said...

I missed Grey's last night to you. I am watching the encore tonight though.

Then I'll tell you how much I hate George. He's a weakling. Being that he's gay, isn't strange that he's the one getting all the action?

Michelle said...

The previews definitely were interesting...I hope I never lose my eyebrows.

*~*Cece*~* said...

Oh man, last night was a good one, huh?

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched Greys in weeks. I've kind of lost interest, which is sad because last year I LOVED the show!

Chantal said...

I have never seen one episode of this show.
I feel out of the loop when you blog about it.