Wednesday, September 6, 2006

He's leaving me!

Okay don't freak out, I'm not talking about my husband. Or at least I don't think he's leaving me. lol. But my baby! My little J, he's going to Kindergarten tomorrow! I don't know how I'm going to handle it! I am really going to try not to cry but I think I might just break down, at least I can promise not to do it in front of J. But my goodness, I swear I never thought this day would come so fast. I'm so scared. He's taking the bus. What if he won't get on? What if he gets on but won't get off? Who will help him? I won't be there. For goodness sake the teacher is going to be holding a blue balloon, how the heck is he supposed to remember that in the craziness of being on a new bus with no one he knows??? I am so scared. Oh wait I said that. Well I AM!!!! What if he gets nervous and doesn't talk to anyone, what if a kid picks on him and he doesn't tell me so I can do something about it??? Please help calm me. Am I being totally whacked??? Is this a normal reaction for parents??? OMG I'm a nut case. I gotta go. I have to go try and sleep. OMG I'm a wreck!


Nicole said...

(((la chou))) thank you! I really am a wreck. If I get through today and tomorrow I'm good. Keep your fingers crossed. And yeah, if he does get picked on maybe it's better if I don't know, I'd get in trouble for putting the hurt on a little kid, huh? Well at least I didn't teach my son to not hit back. I tell him 'they push you, you push them'. lol, hey it's a tough place out there.

DC said...

Yup, I went through the same anxiety. In reality, Kindergartens are so structured to keep them from getting restless, there is no time for picking on others. And also every other kid there is going through the same ordeal: new faces, new places, new routine. Ole J will get the hang of it. I remember crying my first day of Kindergarten, but it is a rite of passage and you all will get through it. Just make sure you show how proud you are of every little accomplishment!

Tim said...

and what if the teacher hates him and makes him sit in the corner and beats him with a ruler??

How'd it go?

Isabel said...

Ummmm, Jazz sweetie, take a big breathe. He'll be fine. lol

Nicole said...

Thanks! Your so great! He acually had a great time. He didn't cry at all, I did. When he got on the bus. lol. But he loved it.

I'd go beat the crap outta the teacher. No really I would. I'm not joking. ha ha.
It went great. Even if My mom and in-laws were here. OMG...

LOL! I know. But I'm good now. I can breath regular now.

La Chou,
OMG, that is something I will be telling A to do when she goes to school. That is great though, bet he never messed with you again.

Mailyn said...

LMFAO!!! OK, you are not nuts, I think it happens to every parent. It may not be the same to you but here is my story. There have been a few times when I have to go out of town and I am a complete wreck when I leave my babies. Seriously. I'm off to Vegas in October and just today I was calling the Humane Society here and the boarding place to ask what they do if like I die or something. Like who gets the doggies. I was seriously freaking out.

So yeah, I think it's normal.

Grace said...

Awwww, I think most if not all parents freak out on their kids first day at school. Nothing wrong with that Jazz. :) I'm sure J will be fine, and if something happens, I'm sure he'll talk things over with you or JD.

But looking at the time, I'm guessing school is over already for the day, so how did it go? I hope he had a great one! If someone was stupid enough to pick on him, I sincerely hope he runs in the opposite direction and fast, because there will be hell to pay.

((((((((((((JAZZ & J)))))))))))))))) Oh and I loved his first day pictures, he is sooooooo adorable!!!

Kelley Nyrae said...

I think most parents react like this. I KNOW I will. Its scary and we want to protect them any way possible, but he'll be fine.