Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Karma's a Bitch

Just about every day on my way in to work I call Dylan and we chat. Well yesterday was no different.

We're chatting away and all the sudden I look in my mirror and the following flys out my mouth "Oh Fuck! I'm getting pulled over, gotta go!" and I threw my phone. lol.

I got pulled over for going 69 in a 50 zone. And for driving in the left lane when it is just for passing. Ugh. Cut me a break! At least he didn't notice I was on my cell phone that would have been another ticket.

The cop was cool though, he gave me a warning for speeding and a summons (whatever that is) for driving in the wrong lane. No points on the license at least.

How does this play into 'karma being a bitch'? Well earlier that same day I was at Kohls and me and Josh were looking at these t-shirts that said funny things and there were a few that made fun of cops. Like one said a cops worst nightmare and it had a donut store exploding and stuff like that.

Well I was laughing and said that I should send it to MM (Holly's man). So that night I called Holly and told her it was all MM's fault I got pulled over.

Oh and not to mention about an hour after I got to work Josh calls and is all what's going on? So I'm all innocently telling him how work is when another call comes in so I click over and it's my mom.

Opps, she told him I got pulled over. WTF! She called me while I was waiting for the cop to bring my stuff back to my car and I told her I was pulled over. She called my house and told Josh. Why? I have no idea.

Needless to say when I clicked back over I realized that is why he had called. Not to happy. Especially since he wanted me to call out of work that night and I refused.

So tell me your stories. Any of you get pulled over ever? This was my third time. I've gotten tickets every time, and NEVER paid one. They always get dropped. lol.

The first time it was for going 70 in a 40 zone. I was 8 months pregnant. He didn't have pity on me. But I went to court and he didn't show so it was dropped.

The second was two weeks before Christmas two years ago. I had expired license, registration, and inspection. lol. Three tickets. He said if I got them all done in three weeks he'd have the tickets dropped. Three months later I got the stuff done and went to court...he dropped the tickets. lol.

~ Nicole


Anonymous said...

I got pulled over in November. Not for any particular reason, I think its coz it was really late at night and they wanted something to do. They thought I'd been drinking, but i'd been at work. So they checked all the reg details and sent me on my way.


Unknown said...


I've gotten four tickets.

The first on was on New Years Eve two years ago in the middle of the afternoon. I was doing 55 in a 25, school AND residential area. I also didn't have the insurance or registration. He was a jerk and all "Have you been drinking?!" I was on my way to church!! One of the attorneys I work for went to court with me and it was dropped because I have no priors.

The second was like two weeks later. It was a parking ticket because I was parked in the loading zone at the grocery store. I left my brothers friend in the car with it running but they wouldn't let him move it because he didn't have his license.

The third was on our way home from our honeymoon. I was anxious to get home to Travis....we were only two hours away finally! I was doing ninetyfive in a 60! Woops! $200 right there. He was nice and didn't write a ticket for the fact that I couldn't find my insurance card!

The fourth was another parking ticket about a month ago bc I pulled into a handicap spot to turn around and the cop pulled in right behind me and blocked me. Again, I couldn't find my license, registration OR insurance card but didn't get tickets for those. $100 for the ticket though. If I try to fight it and lose (which I will bc it was a seargent who wrote it) the fine is $250. LAME!!

Unknown said...

Wow. That was a long comment!! haha

Nicole said...

LOL, both of you!

Cops can be jerks sometimes. I swear he left me sitting in my car for 10 min. while he ran my info. Ummm, I don't have a record it doesn't take that long. He just wanted to make me sit there. Annoying.

Oh and I forgot, I did get a parking ticket before. It was two summers ago. I had to be out of the spot by like 9:55 and I got to the car I swear at 10:00 and I had a ticket waiting for me.

I never paid it. Now I'm petrified of getting pulled over in Philly cause I think they'll know and take me in or something. lol.

Isabel said...

The only ticket I've ever had was when I was in my car accident. Other than that, I've never been pulled over.

Rowena said...

LMAO! I was talking to her on the phone and all of a sudden, she's like, "OH F***, I'm getting pulled over, gotta go" and I was laughing so hard...HA!

I've gotten one ticket and it was for speeding. I was almost late for work because of that stupid pull over too.


Teena in Toronto said...

Sounds like you got off easy. Be more careful next time, Girl!

Nicole said...

Yeah, I know I did. But it still sucks. haha.

Yeah, I'm thinking maybe this is YOUR fault. lol. You distracted me and that is why I was speeding and in the wrong lane. lol. Oh wait then that would mean that it was my fault still for calling you huh? ha, okay nix that idea.

Was the accident your fault? What happend?

Chantal said...

I have never been pulled over, but the cops in my city are so sexy that I have several fantasies about being pulled over *wink wink*.

My husband has gotten many speeding tickets. I can't even count how many. Sigh.

Daphne said...

you poor thing! i can't believe you got ratted out to your hubby too. lol

Nicole said...

I wish there were hottie cops here. But nope. All older (which isn't a bad thing, but...) overwieght, and balding. YUCK!
And how come I didnt' even know you were married. lol.

I know I was all kinds of mad at my mom.

reviewer said...

Yep, 11 years! I got married at 16. :)

Nicole said...

Holy crap! I though I got married young. And I was 18 (month before I turned 19). But you most def got me beat. That's awsome that you two are still together and happy. I know it is hard work. I've been married for 6 1/2 yrs. now.

Michelle said...

You got a warning because you're PRETTY!!!! I just got pulled over a couple days a woman...going 50 in a 35. She let me off with a warning. But every time I've gotten pulled over by a man...ticket.

Anonymous said...

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