It's happening again! I am reading like crazy and therefore neglecting my blog. So sorry. This past week I read Judgment in Death, The Seduction, Sarah's Seduction, Heathers Gift, and I swear some more. Oh and I've been listening to Little Earthquakes when I'm in the car.
As you can tell from my book titles I've been into my erotic reads lately. lol. Right now I'm reading some Nora Roberts book, I forget the title (It's the series you like Dylan about the brothers), then I'm reading Haley's Cabin! Woo hoo.
The bad thing? I haven't reviewed a single one of those books yet! I'm slacking I know.
But I have nothing to blog about. So .... hmmm .... Oh well I started my South Beach Diet yesterday. I haven't' cheated yet, even though the caramel filled chocolates at work were begging me to eat them yesterday. Mmmmmm. But I stood strong. I'm really gonna do this! It's only the first two weeks that are really hard, phase 1. Phase 2 isn't bad at all.
Okay that's all, I'm out. Don't know when I'll be back. I just picked up 5 Madeline Hunter books at the library today. So I've got a lot of reading to do. And I'm rereading The Undomestic Goddess by SK for Nikki's book day (ole!).
~ Nicole
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
To many books to little time.
Posted by Nicole at 4:06 PM 8 comments
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Abby Moment~ I wanna watch a movie...
Okay so Abby was telling me that she wanted to watch a different movie than the one I put on for her. This is exactly word for word what she said. I finally guessed it, but would you have?
Abby:When the dad makes the thing and then girl says check, then the girl goes in the house that is in the school. The girl teaches the other girl to be her. They take the stuff from the other girl. Remember I watched it when I was a little girl?! And they never saw their parents. It's a girl when she has a thing that's a rainbow for her hair.Their beds are on the roof, the girls just put whip cream on the pillow and honey on the floor and spider webs, and they got paint.
I GOT IT! THE PARENT TRAP! Don't ask how it just clicked.
One more thing, they cut their hair.
Actually after rereading everything she said it does make sense. lol. Except for the house being in the school and a rainbow in her hair. I'm lost on that. Oh and now Abby wants to cut her hair.
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 11:03 AM 9 comments
Labels: Abby
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
A day off? For a mom? HELL NO! Are you out of your mind!
Yesterday I moped the foyer floor and the kitchen floor, after I had swept. I also unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, cleaned off the counters and the stove. Did 3 loads of laundry, folded it and vacuumed the floors.
If I did all that yesterday do you think it would be soooo horrible to take a light day today? Abby had dance and after that we just hung out. I let the kids play outside for a bit since it was the first nice day in a long while. And I read a book. Yup, God freaking forbid I read a book, but I did.
Why is that so wrong???? Why does Josh have to harp on me like I never do anything? I know I used to slack of a lot with house hold stuff, and I'm still not the best. But I think lately I've been doing pretty damn good. So what's wrong with taking a day off? I had off from work tonight so it was like a vacation day.
Anyway, sorry to have been gone forever then come back just to rant. And Josh I know you read this from time to time, and I'm sorry, I am not mad at you now since you dropped your attitude but I still had to rant about earlier. Love ya!
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 8:48 PM 15 comments
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Week one with the M.I.L.F.'s!
This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Posted by Nicole at 1:06 AM 14 comments
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Cutting down on cell phone minutes
My ride to work is about 20-30 minutes, and it's a slow ride with traffic and all. Since I have to leave around 5:30pm. To make the time go faster I usually call someone and talk the entire time, mostly Dylan.
Well I've been getting in trouble, cause as you all know from this (nevermind I can't find the post to link to it) post I talk on my phone way to much. That's 30 minutes 3 to 4 times a week just when I go to work. And believe me I talk a lot more than that.
So to cut down on minutes I got some audio books to listen to. I didn't know if it would work since sometimes when I read I go off in a daydream and have to reread and you can't really do that with a CD. Not as easily anyway.
But it's working! Yesterday I drove to work without even wanting to pick up my phone. That's progress!
So I got Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner (is that her last name?), Black Rose by Nora Roberts and two others I really can't remember. So I'm good for awhile, especially since I got the unabridged version.
My only problem is the woman that is reading, I'm listening to Little Earthquakes first, is annoying me soooo much! Every time she breaks off from a chapter or a big paragraph she makes this noise with her mouth like she is drinking water or swallowing spit or something. It is so gross and totally skeeves me. I will never get another book read by her. Horrible! The narrators name is Johanna Parker, so if you do audio books be on the look out.
So who listens to audio books? Do you like it or meh? And is there any really good or really bad (like Johanna Parker) narrators? Help a newbie out!
And I'll only do unabridged. I don't like getting jipped on the story.
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 12:51 PM 14 comments
Sunday, February 11, 2007
New things are happening...
Okay so I've got some new things going on. Let start out with my husband, no I don't have a new one (lol), but he did start a blog! Yup, my hubby that ALWAYS makes fun of how much time I am online and my blog has started out his own. So go check him out at The Zone, you can expect talk about ME (yes I know that's enough on it's own), our kids, his favorite shows (Lost and 24), and I'm sure lots more.Also I kinda joined a new group/club (I'm saying club cause I always wanted to be in one) called Future M.I.L.F.'s. Yes I know I'm already a Hot Mama, but this is to help me lose some more weight. So every Friday expect an up date on my weekly accomplishments with working out and eating good, and how much I've lost that week and total. I know your all so excited. I know I am. At least now if I know I am going to be posting every week I'll want to work a little harder so I have something to report.
Next...I haven't written about this before cause I didn't want to jinx it but I've been interviewing for a new job. Full time work here I come. Well at least I hope. I have gone though a phone interview, online testing, paper work, one face to face interview and on Wednesday I'll be going to another face to face interview. Weew, I know it's a lot. Why am I talking about it now? Well I figure that if it's meant to be I'll get it and telling all of you about it won't change that. So send over all your prayers and good thoughts. Thanks.And guess what? I have a freaking awesome husband. No I know this isn't anything new but I just have to tell you all about it. Last night (Sat) we were supposed to take the kids to Josh's parents house and go to the movies for a kinda date, since I was only working till 6pm. Well I called home around 4 and told Josh I'd be leaving an hour early thinking we'd get a head start on the drive to his parents. Well I got home at around 5:30 to a dark house with music playing, I walked up the stairs and Josh says "Suprise happy Valentines Night!" No he is not retarded he does know it's really on Wednesday, but since we'll have our kids home then he did this. He had taken the kids to his mom's already when I was at work, came home got food, cleaned the house, made mango margaritas (my favorites), and had the table set with candles and everything. He even made appetizers, or should I say he got them, lol. It was sooooo perfect and sweet. Ending in a movie and cuddling.
Yes I thanked him plenty...lets just say mango margaritas taste good in lots of ways.....I'll say no more. lol.
So how was everyone else's weekend?
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 11:15 PM 13 comments
Friday, February 9, 2007
Jordon Moment~ Color of Friendship plus a little more
Last week Jordon and Abby stayed the night at my MIL's house. And without fail every time they go over my in laws buy them a new movie,or toy or something. This time it seems to have been a movie, or at least I'm guessing since I never heard of this movie on TV.
As we were all buckled into the car after picking up the kids and on our way to my parents house Jordon spoke up from the back seat.
Jordon~ "I watched a new movie at grandmoms."
Me~ "Oh yeah, baby? What was it called?"
Jordon~ "Color of Friendship."
Me and Josh just gave each other a look...Me~ "Oh? Well what was it about?"
Jordon~ "A white kid that wanted to be friends with the black kids but they didn't want to be."
Me~ (wondering what the hell my MIL showed him) "Well that's not right now is it?"
Jordon~ "No but in the end they were all friends, cause color doesn't matter."
Me~ "Your right, it doesn't. Just like you have all different friends at school."
Then he went on and on listing all his friends from his class that were Puerto Rican, Black, Chinese and more. But that was basically the end of it.
Till we got to my parents house. I over hear my dad talking with Jordon and Jordon is telling him about the movie. They basically have the same conversation until I hear Jordon say this:
Jordon~ "But there really aren't any black people"
Poppi (my dad)~ "There aren't?"
Jordon~ "No they are brown"
My dad just laughed at him, but I just had to comment...
Me~ "Jordon, what about Jazzy's daddy?" (my niece's father is African, and just about as black as can be)
Jordon~ "Oh he's black"
Me~ "So there are black people?"
Jordon~ "No he's the only one."
LMAO! I was rolling. I told Mike (Jazzy's dad) and Sarah (my sister) and they thought it was hysterical.
So do you think that this is an issue we should bring up to children with these type of movies? Cause I mean Jordon really seems to have learned some things from it. But at the same time, I never really thought of it and would have just let him live and go on with life as is. I mean he's got lots of different friends and I had never before felt the need to point out that there are different colors and why and to be nice and not judge. He never did so it wasn't an issue. Not that I care that my mother in law showed him the movie. But what is your take on it?
Growing up color just was never an issue for me. I lived in Trenton, NJ. The city, but not the worst of it. In my neighborhood there were just as many Black, White, Puerto Rican, and Italian people. And we all hung out. I mean granted there were the gangs...The Pit Bulls were the guys from the burg and were mostly Italian and the Latin Kings which oveously were Hispanic. But you see that in any city. My point being that it didn't phase me.
I was always attracted to Puerto Rican and Black guys, and it was never an issue in my house. My sister's baby's daddy (that sounds so funny) and current boyfriend (same guy) is black. He's from the Ivory Coast in Africa. And it is funny how much color never phases us.
I remember showing some pictures around at work a few years ago when Mike and Sarah first got together. He was a senior and she was in 10th grade. So when this older white woman I worked with got to a picture of the two of them and said "Oh what do your parents think about that?" I automatically thought she meant that Sarah was dating in general. So I was all "Oh you know, they're getting used to it. She had to start dating sometime." But when she looked at me like I was crazy I realized that she didn't mean that Sarah was dating but that Mike was Black. And you know what? It offended me. It offended me that anyone would think that my family is like that, cause I think it is so wrong.
I come from a large family with lots of mix in it. My dad is Puerto Rican, my mom is 1/2 Italian and the rest German and Irish. I mean I've got it all. Then I have a niece that is half African (in the real sense of the word since Mike isn't even a citizen here yet). It just doesn't matter.
But what does matter to me and bothers me is when people make it a big deal for themselves. I work with a woman that is about the same age as my mom (46ish) and every time a person walks into the store and doesn't want help it's cause she's black. Ummm, couldn't it be just the simple fact that they are rude and don't want anyone's help?
Anyone that's been around for awhile and has read my IRK's knows that one of them is BET. I cannot stand the fact that there is a BLACK entertainment television channel. What an uproar there would be if there was a White ET. And yeah, I've got the argument from the woman I work with that there are Latin channels. And what do I say? It's cause they speak a different Language! I mean go and watch it, there are many different people on the channel they just all speak Spanish.
So when this big to do has been being made over the African American books I just had to roll my eyes and say here we go again. Why are romance books written by Black women not sectioned with all the romance books? Why are the suspense books written by Black people not sectioned with the suspense books? Why are they on a big old separate place for just AA?
Honestly at first I thought that it was all the authors choosing. But the more this stuff is floating around the more I'm learning. I still don't' know facts on it but I from what I hear it may be the publishing companies that are making this separation.
Either way I don't like it. When I pick up a book to read I read it cause it is well written and I like the plot. Half the time I have no idea what the author looks like, let alone her color, till I'm done the book and see the picture on the inside of the back cover. That is if there even is a picture put there.
I actually worked with a woman that told me her husband read a lot. When I asked her what he read she said Black authors. ???? Am I missing something here? So I asked again, "No what type of books does he like?" and she repeated Black Authors. Since when is that a type of book? I mean there are black authors that write romance, non-fiction, suspense, every damn thing. How can "black authors" be the type of book you read? Isn't that a bit racist?
But there it is, I could go on forever. But I'm gonna stop here. These are just a small window into my thoughts on these topics. Go on now, grill me. Give me hell. lol.
What do you all think???
~ Nicole
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want...
Okay sorry I just had to go there. When I decided to write about this it was the first thing that popped into my mine. But now that I've got it out of my system, let's move on....
So, this morning I was watching the news (a very uncommon thing for me to do) and they did a piece on a new dating service that premiered in New York City last night.
What sets this company apart from others? What's their new and improved ideas? Well it's cutting right to the chase. What do women want? What do men want? Really?
To qualify women need to be hot! Yup, that's the qualification, it is only $30 for the women to sign up, and a minimum of 5 photos.
Men need to make anywhere from $200,000 to $500,000 a year depending on their age. And I believe the fee is either $300 or $500 for them. Oh and no age requirement or photos necessary.
When some were interviewed and asked if they thought this made them seem shallow they said "No we're just not wasting time, and being honest" it was said that when women talk to their friends about a new guy the first thing asked most of the time is "What does he do?" And with men it's "What does she look like?" So it just getting there a little faster.
They said they plan on doing another event with the women with the money and the hot guys. We'll see if that actually ever happens. lol.
So what do you think? Is this as shallow as it seems on first glance? Or is it really just cutting to the chase?
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 8:25 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Abby Moment~ We don't like BOYS!
It was a normal day that I woke up and took Jordon to the bus stop. Except for the fact that I had to go food shopping later, yuck! Can't they just magically appear in the refrigerator? No? DAMN! Well okay on with the story then.
I tried to make it sound fun for Abby, "Hey we get to go to the store! And you can help me pick out all the yummy food!" She jumped right into the spirit of it "Yeah it can be girl time! Can we do make-up?"
So we do the lip gloss and blush thing and we're off. Abby is rambling in the back seat about our girl trip and how she doesn't like boys only girls. Cause girls are pretty and boys are mean.
Where did she get that? I have no clue. I swear I don't, lol.
We do our shopping and while in the snack isle Abby points to a man and says "Mommy why is HE here? This is the girl store?!" All offended of his presence. lol. So I just mumble something or other and go to another isle.
We had fun the rest of the time so when we were loading up the our food on the ramp to pay I was surprised to see her sulking. "Baby what's wrong?" Abby, "I don't want to pay here! He's a boy!" Yup, you got it the cashier was a guy and she was having none of it. lol. So I bribed her with Pink Girl Gum and we were off.
Later that day after Jordon got home I took them to Chick-fil-A, we had a friend of Jordon's with us that I was babysitting for the afternoon. I think Abby was getting a little miffed that the boys weren't paying much attention to her, but she was fine for the most part with the boys. Considering her no boys day she was having.
A couple of hours later when we were home I was up in my room on the computer and the kids were playing in the other room with toys. Alls fine till I hear Jordon screaming! He comes out of his room running for me....his lip is busted! I of course freak and am demanding answers. All I get is that Abby threw a toy at him. So she goes to time out.
Side note here: How do you punish a little girl that every time she gets set to her room just decides "Oh what the hell I'm tired anyway" and takes a nap! No she doesn't really say what the hell, but you get my drift. I'll tell her her time out is done and she's all "No I'm tired" and she just takes a nap! Brat!
Anyway back to the story.
It wasn't till later when I was showering for work and Jordon came to talk to me that I found this tid bit out....
Jordon: Mommy, do you know why Abby threw my power ranger at me?(she used his own toy against him!)
Me: No honey why?
Jordon: Cause she said she doesn't like boys.
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 4:03 PM 4 comments
Labels: Abby
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
I've got nothing. I have like 5 blogs started but not finished sitting in my drafts. I just can't finish them. Sorry....So why don't you all just tell me what's new with you. Or better yet, tell me what you'd want me to blog about? Another Jordon or Abby moment, or a Josh one? Work? OMG my life is so boring. Okay I am going to watch How I Met Your Mother with Josh. He took off today cause he felt like it. He luuuuvvvsss me. ha ha.
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 10:48 AM 8 comments
Labels: Random
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Why am I just finding out now!!!
Okay someone tell me how it is possible that I have Chantal's Reading all Night blog on my daily fix but I never knew she had a regular blog???? I always thought, she's really cool wonder why she doesn't have a regular blog. And she does! I swear I am so out of the loop. lol. I added it to my daily fix it's called Just Call Me Mom. So cute!
Oh on other news? I added a new box of links on my side bar. It's down a bit under the movie reviews. It's called My most popular/commented on posts, and all the posts that have more than 20 comments I put there. Just to look back on some of the fun. And in case any newbies wanna see what kind of stuff I stir up here. lol.
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 3:53 PM 5 comments
Spelling? Shit who needs that?
I thought this was great when I got it in a email. Wanna know why? Cause my spelling is atrocious! lol. All my SF girls are always correcting it and here's to prove how much it doesn't really matter. lol. Have fun, and be sure to leave a comment and tell me if you could understand it. I read it all perfectly fine.
Only great minds can read this
This is weird, but interesting!
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 9:17 AM 9 comments