Friday, February 9, 2007

Jordon Moment~ Color of Friendship plus a little more

Last week Jordon and Abby stayed the night at my MIL's house. And without fail every time they go over my in laws buy them a new movie,or toy or something. This time it seems to have been a movie, or at least I'm guessing since I never heard of this movie on TV.

As we were all buckled into the car after picking up the kids and on our way to my parents house Jordon spoke up from the back seat.

Jordon~ "I watched a new movie at grandmoms."
Me~ "Oh yeah, baby? What was it called?"
Jordon~ "Color of Friendship."
Me and Josh just gave each other a look...Me~ "Oh? Well what was it about?"
Jordon~ "A white kid that wanted to be friends with the black kids but they didn't want to be."
Me~ (wondering what the hell my MIL showed him) "Well that's not right now is it?"
Jordon~ "No but in the end they were all friends, cause color doesn't matter."
Me~ "Your right, it doesn't. Just like you have all different friends at school."

Then he went on and on listing all his friends from his class that were Puerto Rican, Black, Chinese and more. But that was basically the end of it.

Till we got to my parents house. I over hear my dad talking with Jordon and Jordon is telling him about the movie. They basically have the same conversation until I hear Jordon say this:

Jordon~ "But there really aren't any black people"
Poppi (my dad)~ "There aren't?"
Jordon~ "No they are brown"
My dad just laughed at him, but I just had to comment...
Me~ "Jordon, what about Jazzy's daddy?" (my niece's father is African, and just about as black as can be)
Jordon~ "Oh he's black"
Me~ "So there are black people?"
Jordon~ "No he's the only one."

LMAO! I was rolling. I told Mike (Jazzy's dad) and Sarah (my sister) and they thought it was hysterical.

So do you think that this is an issue we should bring up to children with these type of movies? Cause I mean Jordon really seems to have learned some things from it. But at the same time, I never really thought of it and would have just let him live and go on with life as is. I mean he's got lots of different friends and I had never before felt the need to point out that there are different colors and why and to be nice and not judge. He never did so it wasn't an issue. Not that I care that my mother in law showed him the movie. But what is your take on it?

Growing up color just was never an issue for me. I lived in Trenton, NJ. The city, but not the worst of it. In my neighborhood there were just as many Black, White, Puerto Rican, and Italian people. And we all hung out. I mean granted there were the gangs...The Pit Bulls were the guys from the burg and were mostly Italian and the Latin Kings which oveously were Hispanic. But you see that in any city. My point being that it didn't phase me.

I was always attracted to Puerto Rican and Black guys, and it was never an issue in my house. My sister's baby's daddy (that sounds so funny) and current boyfriend (same guy) is black. He's from the Ivory Coast in Africa. And it is funny how much color never phases us.

I remember showing some pictures around at work a few years ago when Mike and Sarah first got together. He was a senior and she was in 10th grade. So when this older white woman I worked with got to a picture of the two of them and said "Oh what do your parents think about that?" I automatically thought she meant that Sarah was dating in general. So I was all "Oh you know, they're getting used to it. She had to start dating sometime." But when she looked at me like I was crazy I realized that she didn't mean that Sarah was dating but that Mike was Black. And you know what? It offended me. It offended me that anyone would think that my family is like that, cause I think it is so wrong.

I come from a large family with lots of mix in it. My dad is Puerto Rican, my mom is 1/2 Italian and the rest German and Irish. I mean I've got it all. Then I have a niece that is half African (in the real sense of the word since Mike isn't even a citizen here yet). It just doesn't matter.

But what does matter to me and bothers me is when people make it a big deal for themselves. I work with a woman that is about the same age as my mom (46ish) and every time a person walks into the store and doesn't want help it's cause she's black. Ummm, couldn't it be just the simple fact that they are rude and don't want anyone's help?

Anyone that's been around for awhile and has read my IRK's knows that one of them is BET. I cannot stand the fact that there is a BLACK entertainment television channel. What an uproar there would be if there was a White ET. And yeah, I've got the argument from the woman I work with that there are Latin channels. And what do I say? It's cause they speak a different Language! I mean go and watch it, there are many different people on the channel they just all speak Spanish.

So when this big to do has been being made over the African American books I just had to roll my eyes and say here we go again. Why are romance books written by Black women not sectioned with all the romance books? Why are the suspense books written by Black people not sectioned with the suspense books? Why are they on a big old separate place for just AA?

Honestly at first I thought that it was all the authors choosing. But the more this stuff is floating around the more I'm learning. I still don't' know facts on it but I from what I hear it may be the publishing companies that are making this separation.

Either way I don't like it. When I pick up a book to read I read it cause it is well written and I like the plot. Half the time I have no idea what the author looks like, let alone her color, till I'm done the book and see the picture on the inside of the back cover. That is if there even is a picture put there.

I actually worked with a woman that told me her husband read a lot. When I asked her what he read she said Black authors. ???? Am I missing something here? So I asked again, "No what type of books does he like?" and she repeated Black Authors. Since when is that a type of book? I mean there are black authors that write romance, non-fiction, suspense, every damn thing. How can "black authors" be the type of book you read? Isn't that a bit racist?

But there it is, I could go on forever. But I'm gonna stop here. These are just a small window into my thoughts on these topics. Go on now, grill me. Give me hell. lol.

What do you all think???

~ Nicole


Anonymous said...

interesting subject babe. i think it's our job as parents to instill into our children that it doesn't matter what people look like on the outside. short, fat, skinny, grenn, poka dotted, 3 eyes, it doesn't matter and you shouldn't treat a person differently because they look different from you. trying not to sound too cliche, it what's on the inside that counts.

Nicole said...

Yeah I know what you mean. But sometimes I wonder if making it a point to talk about it makes it a big deal. If maybe we shouldn't just lead by example on somethings. And if we notice a problem we discuss it.

Either way it's fine cause Jordon liked the movie and took good stuff from it.

I wonder if Abby watched it with him, she hasn't said anything about it.

Unknown said...

I didn't read your whole thing yet cuz I wanted to hurry up and say this before anyone else does (but I'm lame no one else probably knows this) but....

The Color of Friendship was a Disney TV Movie from like, 6 or 7, maybe longer, years ago. It takes place during the 60's/70's and the Apartheid in South Africa. The black family is getting a foreign exchange student from SA and it winds up being the white girl. Its about the white girl teaching the black girl that not all white people hate blacks and the black girl teaches the white girl that apartheid really isn't for the greater good (the white girl thinks its to protect the blacks)and white girl convinces politician daddy to support the stop of apartheid. you should watch it cuz I really liked it! It has a good moral and, if you watch it with J, you can reinforce everything, etc.

Okay, now I'm gonna go read the REST of what you said so I can make a REAL comment about how awesome you are.

Unknown said...

Man oh man, N, you are seriously gonna have to stop sending that leprechaun to steal my thoughts, morals, ideals, etc.

I couldn't have said it better myseld.

Rowena said...

Hey guess what? LOL.

The rules are: Once you have been tagged you can't be retagged, you have to write a blog about 10 random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" on their profile and tell them to read your latest blog.

I did mine, they're up on my blog, go check it out and then do yours and make sure you tell me that you've done it,kay?

Nicole said...

You know so many interesting little facts. lol.

And it's not my fault! I swear, I thought all that up all on my own.

HELL NO! I just did 6 weird things, and that took me forever. It's like the same thing.

reviewer said...

Great post.
I have to laugh at the black skin/brown skin comments. My kids are half Asian and my middle man says that his skin is gold. He says that his dad and I also have gold skin. (I'm pure caucasian)

Marg said...

My son's father is African, and we have had a few conversations about skin colour. There don't seem to be any issues, but at the same time I do keep an eye on it.

Unknown said...

That's because I'm lame and love the Disney Channel.

PS: You're new picture scared me. I just glanced at the icon on my page and was like "Who the hell is that?!"

Nicole said...

I guess you'd have to. I mean it means nothing to me and is a non-issue. But I wonder if it'll be differant for my niece.

I know, he had me cracking up. He always says that my dad, brother, and one of my sisters are brown and me Josh, my mom, and youngest sister are white. lol. We're all a bunch of shades and I guess Jazzy and Mike just add a couple more to the family. lol.

Holly said...

I'm not even commenting except to say, You know how I feel cuz we done talked this to death the last few days. LOL AND to say..I loved that movie. I didn't remember it till Charm wrote her spiel about it, though. lol

And that picture is scary, Jazz, TAKE.IT.Down. You like all kinds of angry. Don't make me tell the Devil Woman on you. LMAO!

Queen of the Mayhem said...

This is quite the hot button topic in our nation these days. I live in the DEEP south and when I moved to a small town in the country, suffice to say it was like going back in time! It is a huge issue here, and that truly saddens me. We had an African-American family move into our neighborhood, and while they paid $350,000 for their home, you would have thought we were turning into the ghetto! Sickening! I swear, I fear sometimes the people here are one step from burning crosses! As for my children, I have taught them that the color of skin is not the measure of a person. I try not to discuss it too often. I don't want either of them to make it a big deal.

Unknown said...

::cough::I'm awesome Holly::cough::

Kookie said...

I get so irritated sometimes that people judge others just by the color of their skin and not by what they can do. I have been a victim of racism and I just don't understand why people do that, and what really triggers that kind of thinking. It's like they haven't gone through the '50s and the '60s or something. I just hope that there will come a time when the color of one's skin is never an issue.

thailandchani said...

I've always just thought racism is stupid as well as wrong. It's a product of ignorance. At the same time, I know those who have most of the power in this country have an investment in keeping it alive.



Nicole said...

I totally love Disney Channel too! haha. You should hear some of mine and Dylans conversations over the Disney movies, yeah we've actually argued over who's hotter Phil from Phil of the future or Troy from High School Musical. Yeah and then that's when I felt dirty, like OMG these are kids. lol. Anyway....

Welcome to my blog! Thanks for commenting racism=stupid, yup that about sums it up for me too.

I don't get it either. But I don't think the time will come when it doesn't matter with so many people holding onto the past and always bringing it up and remembering it. Why don't we try to leave the past in the past and then maybe we can make our future better. Ugg!

Another newbie, welcome and thanks for commenting. I really don't think I could handle living where people were that extreme in their hatred. I would probably become a very angry person seeing that. And I know what you mean about making it a big deal. That was kinda my point too. Like do we let them just live and if we see a problem address it, or do we bring attention to something that isn't a problem and therefore make it an issue?

I like the picture! Tell you mom, tattle tale! lol.

Anonymous said...

when i read a book, the main thing for me is that i enjoy it. most of my books are by female authors, but i don't know if they're black or white. it's a book that i liked the sound of. its the same with people. to me, colour doesn't matter. its whether i like you or not that counts

Nicole said...

As it should be.

Unknown said...

Race will never not be an issue until people stop making it an issue. IE : Lovie Smith. Bad Ass Bears Coach. Who care's if he's black? Being black, white or green doesn't make anyone any better or any worse. Saying "What a great accomplishment, esp. because you're black." pretty much takes away the positiveness of the acheivement and turns it into an issue.

I could go on and on but it'd be beating a dead horse!

Nicole said...

Your right, that's just my point. Leave the past where it is and make a better future where it's not an issue.