Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cutting down on cell phone minutes

My ride to work is about 20-30 minutes, and it's a slow ride with traffic and all. Since I have to leave around 5:30pm. To make the time go faster I usually call someone and talk the entire time, mostly Dylan.

Well I've been getting in trouble, cause as you all know from this (nevermind I can't find the post to link to it) post I talk on my phone way to much. That's 30 minutes 3 to 4 times a week just when I go to work. And believe me I talk a lot more than that.

So to cut down on minutes I got some audio books to listen to. I didn't know if it would work since sometimes when I read I go off in a daydream and have to reread and you can't really do that with a CD. Not as easily anyway.

But it's working! Yesterday I drove to work without even wanting to pick up my phone. That's progress!

So I got Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner (is that her last name?), Black Rose by Nora Roberts and two others I really can't remember. So I'm good for awhile, especially since I got the unabridged version.

My only problem is the woman that is reading, I'm listening to Little Earthquakes first, is annoying me soooo much! Every time she breaks off from a chapter or a big paragraph she makes this noise with her mouth like she is drinking water or swallowing spit or something. It is so gross and totally skeeves me. I will never get another book read by her. Horrible! The narrators name is Johanna Parker, so if you do audio books be on the look out.

So who listens to audio books? Do you like it or meh? And is there any really good or really bad (like Johanna Parker) narrators? Help a newbie out!

And I'll only do unabridged. I don't like getting jipped on the story.

~ Nicole


reviewer said...

Dammit, blogger ate my post.

ANYWAY. I can't wait to see what others have to say. I have only tried a book on tape once. I was all the way home before I remembered that we don't have a tape deck in the house. SIgh.
Next time I'll make sure it;s a CD.

Nicole said...

Yeah, I got all CD's since that's what I have in my car. Who has tape players anymore? lol. My son's teacher sent home this tape with a song they learned in school on it....can't listen to it though. Ugg!

Ashley said...

I need to do something to stay off the phone! Hey, thank you so much for your comments, they really meant a lot, and I am just about done with him...oh and You are so gorgeous I almost can't believe it!!

Unknown said...

Ug. I don't think I could do audio books....I hate, hate, hate, HATE when people read to me. Plus, I like to make up voices for the characters. Shut up! Don't make fun of me!

I used to run up my bill to $300 a month!! Then, M wouldn't let me pay the bill because it was too ridiculously high! I've been without it for two months and I love it!! I am gonna get it back on soon because of emergencies, etc. but I love having an excuse to be unreachable! Plus, now I have no one to talk to anyway so I can't run it up!! Haha

Nicole said...

Thanks! And you know I wish you the best with getting rid of him. lol. I'll be by your blog more.

I would DIE without my phone! Plus I always get lost, so if I didn't have one it'd be really bad. lol.
And I'm not laughing at you cause I do it too. I hate when you talks for the guys it sounds so dumb. But it does help.

Anonymous said...

nope couldn't do the book on tape thing. i'd just have to call only those people with the same phone plan as me so i don't get charged the minutes.

Mailyn said...

I do but only very very few books that I like to read over and over and I download them as audiobooks so in case I get bored while I'm cleaning or driving or whatnot.

Harry Potter books and the Spiderwick Chronicles. Oh and LotR.

Deb said...

I totally know what you mean when people talk with that "liquidy" mouth! UGHHHH! I had to break it off with a girl because she did that. Unreal. I guess it's just a pet peeve of mine.

I used to always pick up my cell phone while commuting in my car to work because I got anxiety when stuck in traffic. I realized the best thing was to buy my favorite CDs and just play them loud. That seemed to work better!

Nikki said...

Um, sorry - I don't talk on my phone that much, and when I do, it's only for a few minutes.

I don't do audio books simply b/c I prefer to be the one reading them.

Kookie said...

I'm not much for audio books because I do prefer to read the book myself...I couldn't even finish an e-book. Well, that's an entirely different story but you know what I mean--gotta have the books in my hands...:o)

Grace said...

I've tried audio books once. I think it was a Nora Roberts and I couldn't stand it. I didn't like the narrator's voice and every time she switched between the hero and heroines lines, there was a difference in her tone that just didn't sit well with me. It distracted me and I could barely enjoy the story. So I had to borrow the book after stopping the audio half way. Since then, I haven't tried it again.

But I'm glad it's working for ya babe! Not only do you get in more "reading", it cuts down your reading time. It's practically a win-win! :)

Anonymous said...

ok, so i did my 6 weird things!!

Nikki said...

hi...This might seem odd, but I saw you over at Ashleys blog a lot, and it seemed like you were close, and maybe had written?

I read her blog compulsively at work, and yesterday she put up a post that made it seem like she was raped.

Then a guy threatened to call the cops and the blog went down, almost like the guys that raped her (maybe) Jon and Dante made her do it to destroy evidence.

Anyway sorry this is so long but if you have heard from her or know how to get in touch please let me know!! I'm so worried about this, maybe I am crazy but I'm scared for her.

Nikki said...

email me if you want, it is on my profile.