Tuesday, February 6, 2007


I've got nothing. I have like 5 blogs started but not finished sitting in my drafts. I just can't finish them. Sorry....So why don't you all just tell me what's new with you. Or better yet, tell me what you'd want me to blog about? Another Jordon or Abby moment, or a Josh one? Work? OMG my life is so boring. Okay I am going to watch How I Met Your Mother with Josh. He took off today cause he felt like it. He luuuuvvvsss me. ha ha.

~ Nicole


Anonymous said...

awwwww, isn't that just sweet. pardon me while i gag. (hahaha)
enjoy the hubby time.

Unknown said...

If your husband is at home, wanting some time with you, why are you on here? Dork. Go cuddle!

reviewer said...

I don't know what to blog about either. My aunt and my friend are forcing me to keep it up though.

The mom in me wants to hear a Jordon and Abby moment. Do you play dress up and Barbie's with Abby? I don't have a little girl, but if I did she would be a prissy little thing, I just know it. I'm such a girly girl that my daughter would be the same way. You should have see me as a little girl. I would climb trees, help my dad out in his shop, buidt forts in the forest with my brothers, but I always had on a pretty dress, perfect hair and pink nail polish while doing it all.

Noneya said...

Yeah I'm with ya Jazz...I can't seem to find inspiration in much right now, to blog about it.

I love it when I get to spend time with my hubby too.


But we have no kids that don't have 4 feet or fur or both. LOL.

I say kid stories!


Rowena said...

Hmmmm, I don't know what I want to read on your blog, anything at all...whenever the mood strikes, blog. I'll be back to read, you know I will.

Unknown said...

See, you need to adopt some crazy people to be your friends and relatives....then you'll have plenty to blog about!

I wanna know more about your kiddies!! A&J Moments all the way.

reviewer said...

Jazz, I don't know your email address, but I wanted to let you know that I went to the discount book store today and picked up Heiress for hire. It only cost me $3.99
It's trade, and is priced at $18.00 Canadian, and $13.00 US. SO glad I went to that store instead of going to a chain bookstore and paying full price.

Nicole said...

Great find! You'll really like the book, at least I did. But remember there is a book that comes before it. A Date With the Other Side, or something like that.

Me and Josh had a good day yesterday just lounging (sp?) around.

It seems like the kids won. So I have an Abby Story ready to write, and then I'll do a Jordon one next.