Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A day off? For a mom? HELL NO! Are you out of your mind!

Yesterday I moped the foyer floor and the kitchen floor, after I had swept. I also unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, cleaned off the counters and the stove. Did 3 loads of laundry, folded it and vacuumed the floors.

If I did all that yesterday do you think it would be soooo horrible to take a light day today? Abby had dance and after that we just hung out. I let the kids play outside for a bit since it was the first nice day in a long while. And I read a book. Yup, God freaking forbid I read a book, but I did.

Why is that so wrong???? Why does Josh have to harp on me like I never do anything? I know I used to slack of a lot with house hold stuff, and I'm still not the best. But I think lately I've been doing pretty damn good. So what's wrong with taking a day off? I had off from work tonight so it was like a vacation day.

Anyway, sorry to have been gone forever then come back just to rant. And Josh I know you read this from time to time, and I'm sorry, I am not mad at you now since you dropped your attitude but I still had to rant about earlier. Love ya!

~ Nicole


yerdoingitwrong said...

Rant away, girl. It's necessary to read a book from time to time. It helps up to self renew!!

Anonymous said...

my husband is the same way...only we both work 50 hours weeks and I still do all the crap and he just sits on his lazy butt and........I need a nap.

Nicole said...

Well in all fairness to Josh I read a book more like every other day. lol. But usually on down time, before bed, while he watches tv. But yesterday I just read all day. So kill me. Sheesh. lol.

I think I'd go nuts if that were my case. I'm looking to go full time and part of that is cause the house won't all be on my shoulders. Josh is really good with helping, he just complaines alot about haveing to help since I'm home. But if I worked just as much as him it would be an even spilt. He couldn't complain that he has to do anything.

Unknown said...

My husband is the type that tries really hard to make things easier on me in the moment, like "Honey. Don't worry about the dishes tonight, I'll do them tomorrow when I get home from work." (He usually gets home an hour or two before me.) So, I'm all "Awww. Babe, you're so sweet! Thanks!" But then, the next night, I get home and NOTHING IS DONE! Why, you ask? HE FORGOT!! HE FORGOT that there were three days of dishes piled on all of the counters. Nice excuse, huh?

I'm just gonna write my own stinking blog about this because I could go on and on and on!!

Man! I love my husband! haha

I really do....he's just a punk!

24Fan said...

Wow, I can't even believe you blogged about this and set yourself up!!! You really needed a vacation day (on Wednesday) from doing a few loads of laundry and cleaning the floors on Tuesday? I do the entire house in one afternoon and don't take a vacation day the next day! You are full of bull doody! You act like house work only needs to be done 1 day during the week. Well, not true when I don't have any clothes to wear or we don't have any cups to use, etc. It's a daily thing so that it's not so hard and so it doesn't all have to be done at once! I hate messes, really, really bad. So sue me! I do more than my share, so I have the right to say something when stuff isn't done. You could have a husband like most of my friends who just sit on their asses!!!

Feel lucky...

I will now keep a daily intinerary on my blog of the house work that I do and the house work that you do.

Stay tuned!!!

24Fan said...

OH...and today is Thursday. What did you do today other than move a pile of clothes from the living room to our bedroom?

Nicole said...

SHUT UP JERK! I never said it doesn't need to be done once a week. BUT I do think I can have a day to do nothing ONCE a week! And yeah you can clean the whole house in one day cause you don't let the kids play with anything, or your mom picks them up and takes them OR it's a weeknight. And what does that mean? You get home at 5:30pm hang with the kids for a few hours, which an 1 1/2 is them watching a movie usually and then they are in bed by 8pm. OMG you had it so rough!
And no I couldn't have a husband that sits on his ass and does nothing cause I WOULDN'T DEAL WITH THAT!

reviewer said...

Ah, my DH got an attitude like that once. It didn't last long cause then I REALLY showed him whats it like to have a wife who doesn't do anything all day.

Staci said...

This hits home...I don't know you well enough to say more but...I've got your back sister.

Unknown said...

I can't stop laughing right now. I'm so sorry. I just feel really bad for Josh now. He's really gonna get it.

PS: Moving the stuff from one room to another DOES count as cleaning. Every home has a dumping ground and 90% of the time its the bedroom. You don't entertain your friends in your bedroom do you? AND the old rule always have to make a bigger mess to get something clean.

Holly said...

*sigh*'s the thing. I know I'm going to be stoned for this later but....

Well, Josh is right. (Never thought I'd say that, did you? LOL)

Yes, you deserve a break. All parents do, whether they work full time, part time, not at all or whatever. But, the thing is, you're very lucky that Josh does what he does. The RB didn't do ANYTHING when we were married. I worked 2 jobs, between 90 and 120 hours a week, and still he refused to do anything.

Yes, you're home with the kids all day, but you could cut out an hour EVERY DAY to pick up the house. Do dishes, laundry, whatever. Because I'm exactly like you, I know how you are. This means you sit around reading, playing with the kids, watching t.v. all day, and then you feel guilty for it when you realize nothing has been done. So then when Josh brings it up, you cop attitude (not to say he doesn't cop attitude first, because regardless of what he says, I'm sure he does).

Which solves nothing. Y'all just end up mad at each other, or one or the other of you feels abused.

So, what y'all need to do is make a list of chores and then keep up with them. It will make life a lot easier all the way around. Josh won't feel like he's doing it all while you sit around and do nothing, and you'll feel better for having accomplished stuff.

So, there you go. I'm going to hide now so I don't get hit with anything when you read this. LOL


Unknown said...

Holly, you make me feel guilty being all compromising, etc.

Holly said...

Well Charm, it has to be a compromise. Everything in a relationship does. I had some major issues with the RB, but the majority of men aren't like him. Sure, there are a few who think it's all up to the little woman, but for the most part? They're willing to pitch in.

Once again, not saying y'all are in the same siti as Jazz. It's just that, well, I know her AND her hubby. Josh is an ass about a lot of things (dude, I loved saying that...LOLOL) but this isn't one of them. So, there you go. :)

Anonymous said...

Stop your crying, Nikki. It could be worse. You could have Jesse as a daughter. lol

Last ngith we tried to go out to eat and she threw an tantrum so bad we had to leave. Oh wait... let me correct that... we had to leave TWO DIFFERENT PLACES.

Loev ya, girl. And miss you. Call a bitch once in a while. ;)

Anne Rainey said...

okay. first, if you both work, there's no reason whatsoever for you to do it all. It should be an even split. The only time it's acceptable for one person in the marriage to do all the housework is the person doesn't work outside the home.

second, if he's not doing it, then he DOES NOT get to complain about how and when things get done. If he wants things done at a different pace, i.e. a load a day, then he can just march on in there and get busy. When I do the laundry, I do not need someone telling me when and how much to do. I'll do it when I darn well feel like it...

Also, if you are working in the evening then there is no reason for you NOT to take time off during the day. You need to remember (and so does he) that time of day is your 'prime time'. While he's not at work, I'm betting he's watching t.v. and basically just enjoying himself. Does he come right home from work Probably not. So, why should you work all day at home, then turn around and work all evening?

Les and I have an equal split. I do the housework, because he works 60hours a week and goes to school (for his MBA). He does all the cooking. I do the dishes. We both grocery shop. He takes care of the cars and trash, I take care of the kids if they're's worked out pretty well up to now. And since the girls are older now, they help out too...

As for the reading. Jazz, there are worse habits, and more expensive ones at that. I have tons of books, I read everything from Horror to self help, to erotica....but, it's my only vice, so...I don't feel bad.

okay...whew. just my two cents. :-) I feel much better.