Thursday, February 1, 2007

Why am I just finding out now!!!

Okay someone tell me how it is possible that I have Chantal's Reading all Night blog on my daily fix but I never knew she had a regular blog???? I always thought, she's really cool wonder why she doesn't have a regular blog. And she does! I swear I am so out of the loop. lol. I added it to my daily fix it's called Just Call Me Mom. So cute!

Oh on other news? I added a new box of links on my side bar. It's down a bit under the movie reviews. It's called My most popular/commented on posts, and all the posts that have more than 20 comments I put there. Just to look back on some of the fun. And in case any newbies wanna see what kind of stuff I stir up here. lol.

~ Nicole


Anonymous said...

How did you not know that? Your such a weiner. (haha, I said weiner!)

Nicole said...

I know when I went over there and saw that you commented there already I was all "Hot damn, I'm really behind in the news." lol.

Weiner. lol.

Anonymous said...

ya know, it's too damn bad we don't live near eachother, cuz dude, we could have a lot of fun drinking a night on the town.

reviewer said...

Aw, you're so sweet!
You haven't missed much though cause I only started it a few months ago and then I didn't really post all that much.
One of my friends harassed me into posting on it again, lol.
I'm actually going to keep it up this time.

Haha, I knew the Cum off! post would be in your popular posts section, lmao.

Nicole said...

You know it Chantal, lol. And you need to keep your regular blog up too. It's fun to read the everyday life stuff too.

I know, wouldn't it be fun! Just imagine all the trouble we'd get into. lol.