Sunday, June 4, 2006


So I am about to shock you all! I am going to be 25 this summer and I just went to my first ever club a few weeks ago! Are you shocked? Well let me tell you all my friends that I work with were. They kept telling me that maybe I shouldn't go, since I am married with kids. Saying that I might get depressed on all I missed out on. And beleive me they were saying I missed out on a lot!
So I am getting ready with my chickies to hit the clubs all excited ready for a good time. And what do I get? Blaring loud music, wall to wall people in a hot stuffy building, my shoes sticking to the floor as I atempt to dance from all the drinks spilled, not to mention over priced drinks and men who think they can just reach out and grab as I walk by! Which let me tell you they learned quite quickly they cannot do that to me, lol. They sure didn't make that mistake twice. Anyhoo, I'm not saying it was not fun. Cause it was, you know dressing up with my girls dancing and drinking. But do I think I missed out on the time of my life by skipping over the whole clubbing scene? Ummm, no. I'm good, but thanks.


Isabel said...

You know what? I never went clubbing all that much either. it just didn't interest me. The first time I went, I was about 24 years old.
I went salsa dancing and the first guy I danced with got hard and kept pressing into me. And trust me, there was nothing much there!!! ewwww.

So yeah, it was never my thing.

Mailyn said...

lol. I'm a clubber. been clubbing since I was 14...with a chaperone at the time and then alone when I turned 17 or 18 (can't remember lol)

god I LOOOOOOVE to go clubbing but I just loooooove to dance mehehe

LMAO Isabel! that dude story was funny :)

Teena in Toronto said...

Ha! You make it sound sooooooo fun :)

Grace said...

Before I hit 18, I was never super eager like everyone else my age to hit the club scene because I knew it probably wasn't going to be worth all the hype. And I was right. Although, clubbing in my opinion is still a ton of fun. Just not always THE best time in the world.

Ewwwww. But still a verra funny story for us! ;o)

I love love LOVE to dance too! If the atmosphere is really good and they're playing all my favourite beats, you can bet I'll stay to closing time. LOL.

Holly said...

LMAO! I've never been to a club, either. Well, some second rate ones, but a true club? Nope. And I'm almost 27, so don't trip, baby-girl. LOL

LMAO@ Izzy.

Mailyn and Grace, I love to dance, too, but I SWEAR I lost my groove. I just look retarded on the dance floor now, so I just watch. LOL

Grace said...

LOL I'm sure you don't Holls.

But the next time I'm out there, we are going to out dancing. I think we'd have a faaaabulous time! LOL.

Rowena said...

LMAO, awww pretty soon we're going to read about how Holly got her Groove back! LMAO.

I'm like Mailyn, I used to love to go clubbing and soon, I want to start hitting up the clubs again, I miss dancing but I didn't lose my groove, this chick can dizance! LMAO. LOL.

Grace said...

LMAO Dee, now you totally have me thinking about that movie: How Stella Got Her Groove Back. LOL.