Tuesday, July 4, 2006

And they say WE'RE confusing???

Friday night was my BF's rehearsal dinner for the wedding. Well the wedding site is 40 min. in one direction, and the dinner was the 40 back toward my house, passing my house and another 40 min. in the opposite direction. So this was a lot of driving. My husband took off of work, 1/2 day, to go with me and the kids. So when a few of the girls wanted to go out that night I said no cause Josh needed the car to go home and take the kids home, yada yada yada. But my BF insisted and said she'd take me home. So I left it up to JD, I said "I really don't mind, I know it's a hassle and you've had the kids a lot lately. If you want me to come home I will, it's not a big deal." Very straight forward of me right? I wasn't saying one thing and meaning another, I honestly didn't care one way or another. What does JD say? "No, go on. As long as your home by 3am. I don't mind putting the kids to bed." (he has a second job that he leaves for a 3am) Me, "Are you sure?" JD, "yeah, love you. Have fun." So it's set, I'm going out with the girls, he's taking the kids home and hitting the sack. So I go out, and you can read about that in my previous post, and get home at 2:30am. Perfect right? So the next morning I get up and JD is all kinds of grouchy, and I'm just letting him be. He says he's just tired. Okay. So I go to work and get a phone call not even 2 hours later. It's JD, all pissed off cause I didn't remind him to pay a bill the day before and now there is a late fee. Well okay, I'll take some blame (I told him I'd try and remind him) but it is not all my fault, he pays the bills! So he's getting all annoyed with me and loud so I hang up on him. He calls me back, now remember I am at work, my boss is there, I have no privacy to talk. So I answer and he is mad I hung up and I say well stop yelling, and he stops but continues to be mean and annoying. So I say "Don't call me at work again." and hang up again. Like 4 hours later I call him and he's all better, good mood again. He was just tired, whatever. So THEN, he calls me and is all pissed again, well in all honesty I thought he was joking at first but let me have you judge, here was our conversation:

JD: "So have anything to tell me?"
Me: "No. What are you talking about?"
JD: "How are you feeling?"
Me: "Fine, why?"
JD: "A bit nauseous?"
Me: "I was earlier but I'm better now."
JD: "Why didn't you tell me you drank so much last night?"
Me: "What are you talking about? We barley talked since I got home."
JD: "We talked on the phone twice."
Me: "We were talking about bills! What is wrong with you?"
JD: "You said you only spent $20, how did you drink all that with only that much money?"
Me: "I did only spend that much, the drinks were $6, and I bought 3. And my friends bought me the other two I drank. What did you think, that I was flirting to get guys to buy me drinks?"
JD: "Well you never drink like that when your with me."
Me: seriously speechless cause this conversation is so stupid....after more stupid talk I hang up on him again.

So my thoughts? He really is mad I went out but since he told me to go and said he wasn't gonna be mad he is picking at the stupidest things to start a fight.

Girls are so not confusing. Men are! Say what you mean, and mean what you say!


thejerkstore said...

first of all, women are insane, let's just get that out of the way.

second of all, that's all i had to say.

Nicole said...

Oh that's all? Nothing to say about JD's crazyness??? lol. You just don't want to admitt he is FREAKING CONFUSING!!! ah ah ah.

Mailyn said...

you know what it is? they try to be civil about the whole thing, as if they don't care, but deep down inside they are really insecure lol

~ames~ said...

I second mailyn! LOL

Isabel said...

I have to agree with Mailyn.

Rowena said...

LMAO jerkstore...oh gosh, you're so twisted, it's MEN that are the insane ones, not us!

And maybe Mailyn is right..it sounds good to me.

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » » »