Friday, July 14, 2006

I'm not heartless. It's just a matter of pride. Don't think I won't find out. My skinny pants...

Okay well as you can tell this is going to be a multi purpose post. So let me begin.....
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Thursday night my brother took me, my husband, and our two sisters out to eat at Don Pablo's. He said he had $150 Don Pablo Dollars, I don't know what the heck DP Dollars are, but I figured them to be some type of gift card for the place. Anyway we all meet up in the bar area and proceed to get almost every appetizer on the menu and a million drinks and shots. Well not a million, I had some type of tea drink (no not a long island ice tea, I'd remember that. It was something I'd never heard of before) a mango margarita (I love me anything mango), 2 comacasi (sp??) shots, and a tequila shot (my personal favorites). Now I don't drink often, so even that amount of alcohol had me a bit buzzed, okay maybe a little more than buzzed. But anyway.....As I'm sure you all know I speak my mind freely without any help from a drink. So get a few drinks in me and WHOA who knows what I'll say or how I'd say it. Needless to say my brother took a few trips to the bathroom to avoid having to talk about a few sex topics with his sisters, and when we were paying the bill at the end???? Well lets start with when the waiter came to get the money. So like I said in the beginning my brother had some type of DP Dollars, it turned out he had 15 $10 gift cards! LMAO! Now the back of them said nothing about combining them or a maximum amount or anything. So when the waiter came my brother said "I know your gonna hate me but I'm paying with these." So the waiter takes them and walks away. 20 minutes later he comes back and tells us that he can only use 8 at a time, it won't accept any more. Well my brother has done this before with friends using way more cards than 15 so he starts to tell him something (we'll never know since I so rudely cute in with this.)
I say "Yes you can! You just don't' know how to do your job."
My brother: "Jazz, calm down (then to the waiter) can I talk to a manager?" Me: "Yeah, get a manager or just do your job cause it's the only form of payment your getting!"
My brother and husband (shaking their head): "Jazz do you always have to be sooo rude?"
Me: "What? I wasn't' being rude, I just want him to do his job. And if he can't figure it out he should go to his boss not come tell us he can't accept it. MORON!"
.......another 20 minutes later, and the waiter is still over at the register looking soooo confused and so I look at my brother and say
"Awww, I do feel bad for him. If I was a nicer person I would say sorry for being so mean to him."
My brother: "But we shouldn't hold our breath right?"
Me: "Of course not!" But at the same time I'm not heartless, I did feel a little bad.

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I'm not a car freak, like I have to have a super fast car and race everyone all the time. But I do like to get where I have to go in a good amount of time. And if your driving like a moron in front of me I am going to beep and yell at you. If you can't drive get off the road. So let me tell you about my nightly drives home from work. I get out of work about 10pm and have a 10min. drive. There aren't many cars out, and I am usually driving my Ford Explorer. Now every now and again when I am driving and come to a light there will be either some silly teenagers, or a hottie that will gun their engines. Well like I said I don't have this need to race but I find it a matter of pride to prove to these people that provoke me that my truck can beat them. So tonight when driving home I look across the lane while at a red light and see these two guys (one in the back seat and one in the passenger side) and they are looking over and smiling, whatever right? Well then I notice there is a girl driving, common sense says one of the guys are with her. Even though she was fugly and so fat she didn't have a neck, and the guys were not bad looking. Not hotties, but better looking than her. So I look away, I don't like girls checking out my man while I'm in the car. But it doesn't end there, when the light turns green I drive off and am minding my business till I notice the same car gunning it to pass me! So of course I can't allow this Bitch to think she can beat me. So first I just stay even with her, then I pass her, but when she tries to go around me it's on. So I catch a light with her, and when it changes I gun it go in front of her and stay even with another car so she can't pass me. lol. I know and the entire time I'm laughing and saying to myself "yeah, nice try, but I don't think so fatty!" So like I say, I don't look for this kind of thing but when it comes to me, it's just a matter of pride to prove who's better. lol....
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OMfreakingGoodness!!!!! Okay the other day at work I get a phone call from a customer. He wants to bring his wife in to look at some rings and put it on layaway to pick up this weekend for our sale. So I say okay and I'll be waiting for him. Well about an hour later I go to the bathroom and when I get out my coworker (not the one I hate) is helping someone, and the more I listen to the guy the more I realize he is the guy I spoke to. So I go over and say "oh are you the one who called?" and he says yes. So I'm thinking 'Oh hell no! she is not getting all in my sale" so I sit my ass down and get all in the conversation with the customers. So in the end they pick out a $2499.00 ring. So when we go to the register she rings it up and splits it with me. Well okay not my first choice but I wasn't there when they first came in and she did help a little. So I let it slide. Well today I am at my aunts out swimming and get a text message from my girl I work with saying that the coworker that split it with me, re rung it and took it all!!!! WTF!!! Who does she think she is fucking with???? All I gotta say is she better watch out tomorrow, cause I'm gonna say something to her, and if she doesn't fix the sale then I am going to rip her a new one. And from that point on all bets are off, I will steal sales from her just like she did to me. What goes around comes around. Next time she'll think twice about me finding out!

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But all in all my day ended well. I sold about $3000.00 today and felt HOT cause I had on my skinny pants. My grey dress Capri's. I just love them. Do you have any feel good clothes? These are it for me. My ass looks good, my thighs look good. I just plain old look HOT in them. I don't know why I'm all about having a hot ass, but I just can't help but love my ass in these pants. lol. I think I'm just an Ass kinda girl, I am always grabing JD's. I love his ASS!!!! lol.....that was totally off topic I know but it's the truth and just had to be said.


Isabel said...

Ha ha. You are funny. I feel sorry for your co worker.

Mailyn said...

I'm an ass girl myself. I mean, who wants to check out a dude with no padding in the front AND the back?!?! but he better not have one bigger than mine either. lmao.

thejerkstore said...

i'm not a big car racing guy, BUT if some asshole is all over the road i always stay even with the car next to me to not let them pass. if they ever get even with me it helps when i look over with an angry face, big arms, and tattoos. say something bitch? ha ha.

nice asses are nice. real nice

Nicole said...

I'm always yelling something to someone on the road, there are just to many morons out there. Once I said just that "you have a stop sign you stupid moron." and as we drove off A said "moron!" opps. I was all "no no A that's not a nice word, mommy shouldn't have said that!" lol.

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » »