Friday, July 21, 2006

Sometimes I feel lonely

I don't know what's been bothering me. Lately I've been so emotional and it's not even that time of the month. I mean I have my husband and we're not fighting, I have my kids that I love, I have my family that is always there for me, and friends that I love and I know they love me. But I still just feel lonely now. And you know I'm about to delete this blog cause I feel so stupid even righting it, but it's my blog so I can be stupid all I want.
Last night I actually cried on the phone to my husband cause I got stuck in PA longer than anticipated and when I told him he was all "okay, whatever". You'd think, okay what's wrong with that. But it was my only night off this week and I wanted him to miss me. I'm acting like a over emotional female, I KNOW!!!! I just can't help it.
My friends? (Just so all you friends know, I know I'm retarded okay) Do you ever get to the point where you start to wonder if you call your friends more than they call you. Then you start to think "hmmm, maybe I'm being an annoying friend and they don't even want to talk to me. I should get a hint and not call. They do have a life". ***sigh*** I know my friends love me, I really do, and I know I'm being retarded but's what's going on in my head. What is up with me???? HELP!
Or my mom, I call her to ask if my kids can come over cause I have to work tonight and JD has a viewing to go to (a high school friend just died, OD'd) and she's all "aww, sorry but I have company tonight" WTF??? It's just regular friends who will probably have their kids and grandchild over with them. My husbands friend DIED!!!! And all she says is "AWWWW" and "so sorry but no"!!!!

I need a vacation by myself! Sorry for yacking your ears off.....hopefully I'll be better soon.


Grace said...

Babe, I'm sorry you're in a funk. And don't even think about trying to call what you're feeling stupid or whatever, you feel the way you feel, got it? Good.

I'm sure we've all gone through this emotional weirdness, I know I have. And I'm hoping it'll pass for you verra soon. BUT, just so you know and hear it once more:

I LOVE YA BABE! And I'm always here for you, either to hear you rant and rave or even to be darn right silly. You're one of the blessings in my life, so don't ever think you're being an annoying friend or anything. You're not.

Maybe all you need is some down time, some time to relax and rejuvenate. Then you might start to feel a little better.

I'm also sorry about JD's friend. That's horrible. :(


Nicole said...

Thanks for being such a sweetie! Love you girl! I am just in a funk, today I'm home alone for a couple hours and it is really nice to have some down time. Hopfully I'll just get myself outta this. Ya know? But anyway, thanks for listening to me whine.

Mailyn said...

I think that happens to most us women. we give and give and give and then, at some point, we realize that other people are used to us giving and they don't give back as much, especially the men.

don't feel bad, you have a right to be emotional about this.

Nicole said...

Well at least I now know it's not just me! Thanks girls...

Rowena said...

Oh dang girl, I'm sorry you're in such a funk but I don't think it's stupid, all women go through it so it's all good in the hood...I still love the hell out of ya sweets! ;)

And that's sucky about JD's friend, I'm sorry for his loss...


Holly said...

Do you ever get to the point where you start to wonder if you call your friends more than they call you. Then you start to think "hmmm, maybe I'm being an annoying friend and they don't even want to talk to me. I should get a hint and not call. They do have a life". ***sigh***

OMG! You finally figured that out, did you? It's about time! Sheesh! LOL

J/K I call you way more than you call me...but I'm getting the hint now that you aren't answering anymore...*ehem*

It's ok, babe. This happens to me all the time. So I'll hole up at home and read a lot for a week or so then I feel better. Either that or I call you and bitch. LOL


Nicole said...

There was only one call I missed, and that was this morning! I called you right back and voicemail came up! So there. lol. You know I love you too girl, just being a freak. But you get it right? I'm outta it now. It was good chatting tonight, thanks for calling.