Monday, August 21, 2006

100 Things About ME!

1. I fall asleep in the car every time someone else is driving, and sometimes when I am.
2. I'll be 25 in exactly one week from today.
3. My son is 5 today.
4. I got engaged when I was 17.
5. Not because I was pregnant. lol.
6. I was married when I was 18.
7. I have two kids.
8. My daughter is 3 1/2.
9. My daughter may be a bigger drama queen than myself.
10. I am the oldest in my family.
11. I have one brother and two sisters.
12. I am 1/2 Puerto Rican, 1/4 Italian, 1/8 German, and 1/8 Irish.
13. I went to a Private Christian School all my life.
14. I love to read.
15. My favorite Contemp. book is Perfect by Judith McNaught.
16. My favorite Historical book is Almost Heaven by Judith McNaught.
17. My mom is one of 10.
18. My dad is one of 7.
19. I have 23 cousins on my moms side of the family.
20. I have 11 cousins on my dads side of the family.
21. I drive a Ford Explorer.
22. I also have a Chevy Cobalt.
23. I work for a Jewelry Store.
24. Sometimes I like my job most I usually hate it.
25. My son is starting kindergarten this year.
26. My best friend is 2 years younger than I.
27. My husband is the only man I've ever been with.
28. I've been married for 6 years now.
29. I have a scar on my forehead from stitches I got when I was 1 years old.
30. Bugs freak me out.
31. My favorite color is red.
32. I wear a size 8 or 8 1/2 shoes.
33. I love shoes.
34. I love purses.
35. I own over 700 books.
36. I read about a book every other day.
37. I get annoyed very easily.
38. I have a million freckles, just on my face.
39. I used to hate them.
40. I don't mind them anymore.
41. I love my condo.
42. I wish I could pick it up and move it to PA.
43. I miss living so close to my parents.
44. I'm going to Vegas in November.
45. I'll be meeting Holly, Dylan, and Izzy for the first time there.
46. My husband can be a grouch a lot of times.
47. I still love him.
48. I was 24 the first time I went to a club.
49. I don't think they are all that much fun.
50. I love going to the beach.
51. I hate the sand to get all over me.
52. I'm petrified of sharks.
53. That's why I don't go that far in the water and am always scared.
54. I love roller coasters.
55. I love to Rollerblade.
56. I love to ride bikes.
57. I'm a night owl.
58. Don't wake me up, I'm a total Bitch.
59. I try to be faithful to the gym but am not really.
60. Sometimes I tell my husband I'm going to the gym and I really go to the bookstore.
61. I don't like other peoples kids.
62. I hate pretending anything.
63. I hate milk.
64. I love Rita's water ice in Mango.
65. I love mango anything. Food, sprays, lotions.
66. I'm reading a Linda Howard book now.
67. My kids drive me crazy sometimes.
68. I've never done drugs.
69. My dad had a cancer scare last year, and it freaked me out.
70. I don't think I could handle it if anything ever happened to anyone in my family.
71. One of my favorite shows is Grey's Anatomy.
72. I didn't want to start blogging.
73. I'm happy I did.
74. I have one niece.
75. I hate that my sister is moving far away and our kids won't grow up together.
76. I hate that my brother has become a different person since going to college.
77. I miss the way he was.
78. I still love him with all my heart.
79. I like other peoples animals but don't want any. EVER.
80. I've owned 1 cat, 3 dogs, 1 rabbit, and fish in the 6 years I've been married.
81. I talk to Holly almost everyday.
82. I get scared easily.
83. I'm horrible at cleaning.
84. I'm not a great cook.
85. I love my digital camera.
86. I LOVE my computer.
87. I have brown eyes.
88. I have auburn hair.
89. I've never dyed my hair.
90. I'm 5'4".
91. I went to Cancun on my honey moon.
92. I went to Baja Mexico on my senior trip.
93. It was a missions trip.
94. I didn't have a prom at my school.
95. I went to my husbands prom, and had sooo much fun.
96. I can lie very well.
97. I'm a bookaholic.
98. I am so like my father it is scary.
99. I give dirty looks without realizing it.
100. I used to wear braces.

I don't know why I did this since I just realized I already did a 50 Things about me post. They are a bit differant though. Oh well, now you know 150 things about me. Lucky you! lol.


Mailyn said...

I fall asleep in the car every time someone else is driving, and sometimes when I am.

LMAO!!!! I do hope you only take a nap when you're driving. LOL.

Isabel said...

Joey says I fall asleep 30.6 miles into a road trip. Yeah, he timed it with the odometer. Now I try and stay away for at least 50 before I fall asleep.

Nicole said...

Oh I'm asleep before we've even gone 1 mile! It's bad! And if I'm driving? I have to call someone. Ask Renee. Or Holly. Or Dylan. lol. I have a whole list of people to call. If nobody is available....I'm in deep trouble.

Rowena said...

So THIS is why you're always calling me when you're on the road, to keep you up so you don't crash??'re a riot sweets!

I love purses, books, PERFECT by JM and AH by JM too...I also love a lot of the same things you do which isn't a surprise to me, but hehe, I kept saying, ME TOO when I read this! LOL.

Teena in Toronto said...

Wow! I'd be hard pressed to come up with 100 things about me. Good for you!

We honeymooned just south of Cancun in July 2002.

LH said...

Number one is scary, isn't it? I mean when YOU are driving. I do the same. When I was 17, I fell asleep at the wheel and killed a cow. No joke. My brother does the same thing - we call it "Driving Narcolepsy." Not sure if there is a true clinical term for it though. The scary thing job has me on the road ALL THE TIME! My husband is a nervous wreck until he hears from me.

Nicole said...

I know, it scares me too. Especially when I have my kids in teh car with me.

Al Sensu said...


I've seen your comments here and there and I think I could be one of your guilty pleasures:


thejerkstore said...

that was an awesome post just to let you know.

halfmanhalfbeer said...

Excellent post and list. Liked it a lot. I have just put one up on my blog, only 50 though, I couldn't think of 100!


Nicole said...

thanks! I was bored and it gave me something to blog about and let you all get to know me better. gald you enjoyed.

Holly said...

I didn't think I could think of 100 things about me, either, but I was tempted to go to 200 once I started. LOL

I was cracking up at #82. And #81 is sooo true! ERRRRday! Sheesh. LOL

Love you,

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