Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A day at the shore.

You know when I first started this blog I was all "well since I have a fake name on here, then I'm not gonna put any pics and not use real names for my family or anything. But you know what? Sometimes that's boring. So here is a post on my day at the shore and a few pics to go with it. lol.

So I went to the Shore (Belmar) with my mom, sister, brother, niece, Aunt, 2 cousins and my kids. Side pic is of me with my brother and sister. I know I'm such a whitie next to them huh? lol. They got all our daddy's coloring. So not fair.

We had a good time. We were at the shore by 10am. Not packed at all. The water was soooo cold but that didn't matter much since as I was inching myself into it my sister practically tackled me down so we both went under. Lol, and in the process I lost my sunglasses. I could kill her for that. Then we both took down my Aunt. Fun times.

OMG the water was filled with dead jelly fish. Soooo gross. I kept freaking out and screaming cause I couldn't get used to it and they were everywhere! Sliding across my legs and all. Ewww. My brother and sister were picking them up and throwing them at people. It was actually very funny. But I couldn't bring myself to touch them. Dead or not, I don't care. But I did get mad and have to dunk my brother when I was getting out of the water and he threw one at me and though it was oh so funny!

By the way isn't it just sad that I am the oldest and the shortest? I have one other sister (she was at work) who is the youngest and even she is taller than me!

Well I will tell you all I am now the color of a lobster. I won't peel, tomorrow I will be a nice tan. But today? Yeah, I'm all kinds of red. Why you ask? Hmmm, maybe because I fell asleep on the beach with my face up to the sun, and since I have a stuffed up nose my mouth was open. Which resulted in two things. One my bottom lip is all kinds of burnt. OUCH! And two....yeah, I woke up cause my retarded sister put sand in my mouth! Gotta love your siblings huh? lol.

Over all we all had a really great day. Lot's of fun and laughs. And in the end that's all that matters.


DC said...

Those pics of you frolicking on the beach really made me jealous. I must go back to California. I'm sorry, but Galveston just isn't the same.

thejerkstore said...

if i had a dollar for everytime i got burned in belmar. on sunday me and woman were at Point all day.

Nicole said...

This summer hasn't been the best beach summer for me. This is only the second time I've gotten to go, but this time was definetly better. I like this beach better. And since we went on Wen. as opposed to Sun. like last time it didn't get so crazy. LOVE the beach.

Tim said...

Belmar? Is that in North Jersey or something?

Isabel said...

Ha ha! She put sand in your mouth. At least it wasn't a jelly fish. Ha ha.

So you are burnt but it turns into a tan the next day? WTF? I say red for days before I start peeling. So not fair.

Nicole said...

Nope not peeling. I'm tan today. It's just the same day that I'm in the sun that I look red. Although my lip still hurts.
Yeah, I'm all nodding in and out and next thing I know my teeth are all gritty. So I get up and Sister and Brother and cracking up. She only did a tiny little bit so that my teeth would feel it.

How horrible is it that I dont' know. lol, I just know Belmar is a beach. Where all the beachs are. I followed my aunt there, so I wouldn't even be able to say how we got there, except we took 295 for a bit and 195. lol. See I'm great with directions.

Nicole said...

Just ask Renee, I've gotten lost to many time while talking to her on the phone.

Mailyn said...

I've always hated the beach. It's the whole sun thing. Me and him don't get along. LOL.

Glad you had fun and damn it, next time don't block the sun cuz I can barely make you out in that pic!

thejerkstore said...

central jersey. what is wrong with you people? you were there and didn't know?

Nicole said...

SHUT UP! LOL, I don't pay attention! I told you I followed someone! Sheesh!

Rowena said...

I never get lost.

Nicole said...

OH why don't you just rub it in Dylan! lol.