Wednesday, August 9, 2006

'J' Moment ~ My handsome boy!

My baby is getting so big. And cuter and smarter by the day. I swear overnight J has become a big boy! I know I sound like such a sap but all you parents know what I mean, how it happens over night.
J is playing tackle football like I told you all, he has practices 3 times a week. He is sooo cute. He's loving it, he may not be the best in all the drills but he is having so much fun. Well today they are getting their helmets and have to practice in them. So I say to J...

Me~ J, know what you have to wear at practice today?
J~ My helmet! I know, daddy told me.
Me~ Okay, well it's gonna be a little heavy and you'll have to get used to it, so don't give up baby.
J~ I can handle it mom. I'm a big boy, I can carry heavy stuff.

OMG, isn't he sooo stinkin' cute!!! I just love this boy to death.


Rowena said...

Awwww, gosh wait until you get to J's first football game, it's going to be SO exciting to see him on the field with his little uniform on, running around, tackling fools...oh the joys you have to look forward too! hehe.

Nicole said...

I know! I'm gonna be so scared that he'll get hurt. lol. I'll take a bunch of pics and email them to you. Can't wait!

Holly said...


Stop being such a wussy! Sheesh! Besides, baseball is the more dangerous sport..remember what happened to LM?

Isabel said...
