Thursday, August 24, 2006

A link to my girl with a little added to it.....Porn - yay or nay.

So my girl Holly posted this blog up and I wanna expound on it a bit. She asks what you think of porn. Yay, nay? What's your thoughts?

Well I also wanna know. First do you think it's an okay thing? Do you dislike it if others watch it? Do you have a preference, you know like the kind you order on TV where they 'pretend' to do things but never really do. Or the live porn stuff that you see mostly online. And how bout pictures vs. videos? Or even stories, it's basically the same thing.

So basically I'm asking the same things as Holly but just a little more in depth.

Me? I'll admit the truth, I look at it online occasionally, I'd prefer to read it though. I don't know why. I think I just like to imagine it myself more. I'd prefer my husband not look at it, but I'm not stupid I know he does on occasion. I know it's a double standard to say I do but don't want him to. But somehow (sexist or not) I think a girl can look at it every once in awhile and whatever. But a guy? I think they get addicted. And I feel like if he's looking at that then being with me .... well I sure as hell don't look like the porn stars, so is he picturing someone else? Give me info on this guys!

What Were You Expecting?: Silly MM and A Question...


Kelley Nyrae said...

I don't really look at it on the computer. My hubby has a few magazines and it doesnt bother me. he doesnt get them often and when he does he barely even looks at em. It doesnt really bother me unless people get obsessive about it. Thats a problem.

You mentioned on my blog you wanted to get some more info but I don't have your email addy!

Isabel said...

Meh. I don't really care for it. I'll watch it every once in a great while, but it doesn't really do so much for me. I'd rather read erotica.

Nicole said...

I don't know why but for some reason I think a magazine would bother me. You know, it's in my house he can look at the SAME girls over and over. Just like a movie. I don't mind if he rents one off tv once in a blue moon (even though I don't like them) but to have a DVD collection? NO. Sorry. I thought I had a email option on my profile but if not I'll see if you do and email you that way. Thanks.

Please DON'T behave, that ruins all the fun. lol. I soooo agree on the bad acting. It just ruins it, how are you supposed to even enjoy something sooo bad? That is why if I do watch any I preferr the internet. And I know I'm taking a chance mentioning this but I prefer the vidios that are real. Like they aren't actors, they are people just making vidio's and putting them online. lol, but like I said, that is on a rare occasion anyway. I am with you I would much more prefer to read it. Your imagination is a great thing.

La Chou,
It can be sexy to watch it togeather. JD and I have a few times. But not being able to get it up without it? Now that's a problem. lol.

I'll just repeat myself here. I'd rather read it too. lol. We're togeater on that. BTW did you get the books I mailed you yet?

DC said...

I'm not that interested in it, either. I don't buy videos, or magazines. The only time that I rarely look at them is if I see one at someone else's house or at work. And I definitely don't want my kids to stumble across it at my house. I have seen porn while I was in the Navy, but now it's just too boring for me. I would rather be with a pretty girl in my imagination.
Hey, and while I got you, are you going to help me out with my ad lib?? I hope I didn't scare you with the title, it was just to get your attention. It's actually a funny story!

DC said...

I have never really liked pornos. I much prefer something with a storyline to get me involved with the characters.
Magazines are not that much better for me, because since I can't hear them talk nor can gauge their personality, it's hard for me to get turned on to a girl unless she is a perfect 10.
I never buy pornos or magazines, not only because I'm not interested in them but I also don't want my kids to ever stumble across them in my house.

Jazz, why haven't you helped me out with my ad libs? I hope I didn't scare you away with the name, it was just to get attention. The story is actually quite funny. If you don't want to it's OK, I just don't want to lose you!

DC said...

Sorry, I thought the first comment didn't publish!

Nicole said...

LOL, I'm sure you can't scare me away. But I just haven't done my blog hop today. So I'll go check your site now. Cause I really don't even know what your talking about yet. lol, I'll be there soon.

Rowena said...

I only watch it to learn things, like some of my friends do, LOL...but like you and Izzy, I think I'd much rather read about it then watch it...but I don't knock it, whatever rocks your socks!

Hey, I just realized that I've never read erotica, pimp something to me, will ya?

Mailyn said...

OK, here is me: I don't mind that there are people who do this for a living. Hey, they could be shoplifting or comitting crimes for all I know. It's their life and, so long as they don't hurt nobody, I don't care. I actually think It'd be a hypocrite if I said I thought bad of them because they are doing what they want to do just like I am doing what I want to do. It's the whole freedom to do what you want, again, so long as nobody gets hurt in the process, and it has to go both ways.

On the looking: sure I do, sometimes. Why not? There are plenty of Hollywoof films that have close or very explicit sex scenes and I watch them. I don't see anything wrong with watching either. Again, once in a blue. You can do it on your own or with a partner just like you'd use toys or whatnots. I think it's better to use yourself and your imagination most of the times but porn and toys once in a while doesn't hurt anything and it's fun.

The thing is when people become addicted but NOBODY becomes addicted from watching porn once in a while. Most people that drink aren't drunks. They are social drinkers. Well, most people that watch porn are normal and do it once in a while.

Of course, just like with anything else, there are those that get addicted to it. But, what can you do? It's just as easy to get addicted to drinking or drugs.

Whatever makes people happy, so long as it doesn't hurt others, I am cool with.

DC said...

Anne Rice wrote erotica back before her vampire chronicle days under the pseudonym Roquelaire (sp?) I know this because I came across and read part of a book about Sleeping Beauty. It was really good and engrossing.. not just because it was erotica but because it was Anne Rice and I love her writings. Now that you got me thinking about it, I should go and try to find that book again...

Nicole said...

LOL, so funny you should mention that book Drake. About 2 years ago, before I openly admitted to reading an erotic book at all, I used to go to B&N and read Sleeping Beauty by AR in one of the chairs there. lol, but I wouldn't buy it.
Just so you know Dylan, it is erotic but knowing you I wouldn't suggest that one to start off with. It's a little.....much. There's a lot of demeaning things in it, I read it but it wasn't even my thing that much. Although Drake is right, it was engrossing.
Try Emma Holly. I love her stuff, well I never read her paranormal stuff but I've read two contemps and two historicals. Best Historical by her IMO, Beyond Seduction. I think that's what it's called. Check it out. I just mailed my copy to Izzy, if you want she can send it to you when she's done. Let me know.

Will you acually sit and read Sleeping Beauty? If you do let me know. I'll buy it and reread it and then discuss it with you. I love discussing books, and to do so with a guy (especially this type of book) would be interesting.

DC said...

Yes! Send it to me!
And I will look for that book, let you know when I find it...

Karen Erickson said...

I don't have a problem with porn - when it takes over someone's life and they're consumed by it, then that's not good. Or if it's some preacher dude who argues against it but secretly stares at it all night on his computer - not good.

I have no problem with people wanting to explore their sexuality and use porn to do so. Hell, I write erotic romance so I can't preach against it! And yeah, I've checked it out, but a lot of it is kinda...gross. I'd rather use my imagination.

And yeah my hubby looks at it sometimes and that's ok too.

Great subject. Thanks for stopping by my blog. ;)

Mailyn said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


~ames~ said...

Happy birthday JAZZ!! Quoting Jessica Simpson here "You're like, almost mid-20s." LOL

Hope you have a good day. ;)

dancechica said...

Happy Birthday Jazz!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day! :-D

romancelover said...

Happy B-day!!!

EL PADRONE said...

Hi Jazz - a very happy birthday from South Wales in the UK. Hope you have a great time whatever you do.

Best Wishes and Stuff,

M xx

EL PADRONE said...

PS I'm a guy (as you've probably realised).

I have little or no interest at all in porn. I have no porn mags and no porn movies in the house (although maybe that's partly because I have a teenage daughter).

I see porn from time to time on the internet but I'd prefer not to : it turns me off rather than on although I guess there's a certain fascination to it.

I prefer things that are erotic. For example - watching a woman undress slowly is a damned sight more sexy than a naked woman having fake sex in a porn movie.

Maybe I'm lucky - I do alright for girlfriends and the rest of the time I prefer to use my imagination.

Porn - no thanks (or "non merci" as my playmate would say).

Hope this helps.


EL PADRONE said...
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Marg said...

Wow...25!! Happy Birthday!

DC said...

Happy Birthday, Sweety...
And many more.

Kristie (J) said...

Happy Birthday!!! Wow - you may not think so but 25 seems so...... young :)

Stacy~ said...

Happy belated birthday Jazz - hope it was extra special.

Rowena said...

Okay, I'm gonna try Emma Holly, since you know my likes and dislikes in the reading world, thanks babe!

And thanks to you too Drake, I'll check those out eventually, or when Jazz thinks I'm ready too...LOL.

And Jazz, I'm calling you today so you better pick up!


Nicole said...

Thanks sooo much for my birthday wishes! And thoughts on PORN. l0l.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and welcome to Kristie (J), Stacy~, Merlin, Karen Erickson, and (I'm not sure if these two are newbies....but....) marg, and dance chica. Hope I got everyone!