Monday, August 7, 2006

A Post for my friend the Jerk!

LOL, okay well don't get all excited, you didn't win a prize or anything. lol. And anyone can actually answer. But I have work-out/gym related questions here. So here it is. When trying to lose weight....WHAT THE HELL IS THE BEST THING TO DO??? Okay can you notice I'm a bit frustrated and lost? See I just wanna lose weight the right way but fast. And I don't know what to do. Do I just do cardio? For how long? Or do I have to do machines? Which ones.
See I had a personal trainer take me through a time or two but I can never remember all the things they tell me to do. You know? And I sure as hell cannot afford to have a personal trainer all the time. Uggg.
I hate this crap. Oh! Do the classes really do anything, or are they a waste? I usually do the kickboxing classes, or step & sculpt. I tried cycling, but let me tell you those itty-bitty seats are not made for a puerto rican ass. lol.
So tell me everyone, Jerk, what do you do that works? Or what do you suggest??? HELP!!!
I'm going to Vegas in November and I want to drop 30 pounds. Is that feasible? Or even healthy? See I don't even know.


Kelley Nyrae said...

I did a diet called 6 week body makeover. There is a website for it. It is tough to stick with but works. I lost 18 pounds in the six weeks. I need to get back on because after that I got cocky and stopped the diet. I still have more to lose. Anyway, it worked but like I said, it is pretty strict with the foods. It is set up to be different for everyone depending on your body type.

Mailyn said...

exercise helps. lol. just kidding.

I say 30 min cardio to warm up then do some weights. the trick is a lot of repetitions and little weights. that helps you burn fat. like, do 3 sets of 10 of whatever machine you are doing.

also alternate days. one day do legs, the next arms and so on.

and then finish it up with 30 min cardio! :-)

Isabel said...

Hey girlie,
I lost a lot weight way back when, doing step and walking. I think I lost 15 pounds in a semester.

thejerkstore said...

mr husband is pretty dead on with his info. i want to stress doing both weights and cardio. most women are afraid of weights b/c they think they will bulk up and get lots of big muscle. WRONG!!! it takes men years to get big. women just aren't made for it. also, when you weight train, you burn calories all day long b/c your muscles are breaking down and repairing themselves. that process burns a lot of calories. classes are good as long as they get your heart rate up. if you find them to be too easy, go run on a treadmill. if you can ever do some sprinting, that is the ultimate calorie burner. and DIET!!!! diet is key. you can do all the exercise in the world, but if you don't eat right your are fighting an uphill battle. remember to allow yourself cheat meals, or you will be miserable and kill yourself. or someone else. if you need anything more specific feel free to fire away. all i ask in return are some naked pics. and i don't think that's being selfish.

Nicole said...

LMAO! Naked pics? Well maybe afterwards ones. lol. Now they'd be scary! Two kids? Hmmm, not pretty on a body. Annnyyyywayyyy. lol.
What kind of weights? Free weights? I always feel dumb doing them cause it's always the big buff guys over there, never girls. Unless it's the perfect body ones with big boobs that aren't even working out just over there to get noticed by the big buff guys. lol. So machines are good or no go?
Yeah and if I don't give myself cheat meals it will be my husband that dies. lol.

Nicole said...

Thanks everyone for your input. Keep it coming. And I'll keep a weekly log on here on how I'm doing.

Kay said...

Personally, I like to alternate free weights with the machines. The machines are less intimidating and have less of the big hulking freak-guys on them, but sometimes you just need to whip out the dumb bells and bench press.
Otherwies, I agree with Jerk and Mr. Husbland

Nicole said...

I went to the gym today! Woo hoo, it feels good to get back. Now I gotta stick to it. lol.

Holly said...

Your new profile pic cracked me up. angry much? lol

thejerkstore said...

you never said you were hot. nice pic.
don't be intimidated by the free weight area. i am always impressed when a chick is back there and knows what she is doing. several things about etiquette back there. don't get too close to anyone. give people space to work out. if someone is in front of the mirror, don't cross in front of them if they are in the middle of a set. either go behind them, or wait until they are done. look confident. don't appear intimidated or scared. for some reason, douchebag juice heads like intimidating women. (and they wonder why they don't get laid). again, it's all about confidence. i think a chick in the free weight area is hot. i respect the hell of that.

Nicole said...

I'm not pissed I'm kinda in la la land in that pic. I don't know why my fist was there. ha ha. But up close it's a cool pic cause my ring is in good veiw.

Thanks for the compliment! No I don't normally go around saying "I'm hot!" Oh wait yes I do. lol. Anywoo. I'll give the fee weight section a shot if it isn't to crowded today. Thanks sooo much for all the info.

Holly said...

I swear, it looks like you're about ready to punch a kid "TO THE MOON ALICE!" LOL