Saturday, August 12, 2006

'J' Moment ~ Hot Girls!

So as I'm sure all you football freaks know last Sunday was the Eagles first pre-season game. So my husband being the football/Eagles freak that he is was all set up in front of his big screen TV ready to watch, with J right next to him. J always does what ever JD does when it comes to sports. So the 'boys' need food! Me and A go to the pizza palor to get them some wings and when I get home this is the conversation I get from my almost 5 year old LITTLE BOY!

J~ Mommy do you know what hot means?
Me~ No baby, what?
J~ Girls that are really pretty.
Me~ (Upon hearing JD choking) Oh really? And did you see any hot girls?
J~ Yeah, daddy said the football cheerleaders are.
JD~ J you are never allowed to watch football with me again.
J~ Why?
JD~ You tell mommy all my secrets.
Me~ You shouldn't have secrets for him to tell.
J~ They are hot mommy.

Then I am watching a movie, She's the man, and J is with me. So on this one part when they kiss I say "Ewww, kissing's yucky!" and J says "No it's not mommy, kissing is yummy." OMG, my son should not be thinking girls are hot and that kissing is yummy yet! What the heck is going on?


Grace said...


J is HILARIOUS!! I love the part where JD choked and then replied: "J you are never allowed to watch football with me again." because J spills his secrets to you. LOLOL. Too funny.

Btw, how did you like She's the Man?

Nicole said...

She's the Man was sooo funny. But Josh watched it and said he didn't even laugh. So I guess everyone's differant. Although the majority lays with my opinion.

Grace said...

Really? Hmmm maybe its a guy thing because when my guy mates saw it, they didn't find it as funny as I did either. And I was laughing so much. LOL.

Tim said...

That's awesome. I can't wait until my daughter is old enough to get me into trouble.

Nicole said...

Hi Tim! Welcome to my blog! And let me tell you my daugter is just starting to ask inapropriate (sp?) questions, BIG trouble. Very embarressing sometimes. But you gotta love 'em huh? lol.

DC said...

When my oldest son was in the third grade, he was already trying to decide who in his class would be his girlfriend...

thejerkstore said...

pretty soon he'll be grabbing racks and slapping asses. kids are fun.

Nicole said...

The day he starts grabbing on girls is the day I smack him up side his head! I am not going to have a son doing that. lol. No double standards. Whatever A can't do with boys till a certain age, J can't do with girls. Same goes.

Isabel said...

Ha ha!! That's too funny.

Unknown said...

My boy still thinks girls are yucky! (Except for his cousins.) He doesn't even want a sister because he "don't like girls".