Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Gym update.

Okay so I started going back to the gym last Tuesday. A week ago. And I've lost.... 1 freakin' pound! Woop dee freaking doo! Uggg, I know it takes time but still for as sore as I've been? Puleez, I need more to show for my efforts. I guess my late night snacks don't help do they? Okay okay I'm gonna stop. I swear. I'm not giving up. I will press on. lol. Listen to me motivating myself!

I am going to Vegas in November and I will be Fucking HOT! Not hot, not HOT but Fucking HOT!!! Got it??? LOL, so I'm on a schedule here.

Saw a guy on the tread mill tonight. Grey sneaks, black socks (who does that???), Green shorts, red tee. Ummm, need I say more? lol.

I can't stand the people that do way to much weights and make all these loud noises every time they lift. Uggg, it is just one of the many things that irk me. I should do a blog on that. All the things that irk me. I think I will! I'll start working on it and add things as I think of them. Yup, expect that blog the end of this week or beginning of next. lol.

It wasn't me! Remember I told you all the other day when I went to the gym it said there was only 15 min. left and I was all annoyed cause I thought the gym was open for another hour & 15 min? Well it announced the same thing tonight, but I didn't pay attention since nobody else was. Then at 11pm the guy announced the gym will be closing in 1 hour. Well why the other announcement then?

Do guys feel weird being naked in the locker room? Girls too! Do you feel weird? I used to when I first started at the gym. You know coming outta the shower or just changing from work clothes to gym clothes. I mean I still can't be all out in the open. I turn so I am facing the lockers when I change my bra and when I change my pants I have my ass towards the lockers. lol. Is it just me? Does anyone else even think about it when they are at the gym?

Don't tell me not to worry about other people at the gym, that they aren't paying attention and are only there for their own work out. It's a lie! I go to the gym for my work out, but you know what? I still look at everyone else. What else are you supposed to do? I look, and I make fun in my head. I do, so I know others are too.

Lastly, why do I feel nauseous? I didn't lift more than I could handle, and I didn't eat right before going to the gym. But still about 1/2 way through the workout I started to feel a little sick. I'm still fighting it. ???

I've decided to do a weekly update on my gym / weight loss stuff. So I'm gonna make a list thing on the left side bar. Okay. So yeah, expect that. And for now? I need a shower and my bed. Catch ya lata.


thejerkstore said...

are you trying to steal my blogging ideas?? i've dedicated entire weeks to all these topics.

Nicole said...

I'm only dedicating one blog per week to this. lol, don't worry Jerk. Your's are much better. Mine is only gonna be about how I'm doing. And the crazys lol.

Isabel said...

You crack me up. LOL!

Ok Jazz, we'll motivate each other. Cause I'm trying to loss a few pounds too. THis way we can look hot together. All right!!!

Nicole said...

Sounds good Izz. Look I gave you a new name. You went from Isabel to Izzy to Izz. lol. Okay look at me rambling here. I am having a problem today aren't I? lol.

Kelley Nyrae said...

I'm trying to get back on my diet too. I gained some of my weight back and it pisses me off. Today is the day!
And I people watch at the gym too. Can't help it.

Tim said...

muscle weighs more than fat, so you shouldn't get hung up on your weight.

Also, yes, I feel weird about being naked at the gym. Especially after I run. When I run my nuts shrink and I feel (and look) like a 5 year old boy.

Nicole said...

lol, that's a funny image that popped into my head just then.

And I'm not sooo concerned with weight, it's more I want to feel good and look good in what I wear. And when I'm naked. lol. I think a good sex drive and life kinds goes hand in hand with a good self image. And I don't think that hightly of my body right now. lol.

DC said...

BBAKON was right about the water. I also just started going to the gym and drinking TONS of water, even when your not thirsty, makes a big difference.

Mailyn said...

hang in there Jazz! you will do better as you go along, it gets easier I promise!

Re naked people, I don't care. They are all girls anyways so it's not like they haven't seen what I got. LOL.