Just admit you do cause I know it's true. lol. So what have all of you been up to? I have been soooooo busy! I don't remember if I told you all that my husband was going to India on business for THREE WEEKS! But he did, he will be home on Sunday. So as I'm sure you can all figure out I've been super busy with doing all the parenting, working, school stuff and everything else on my own. I just can't handle any more of this! Thank God he comes home on Sunday. They almost wanted to have him stay another few weeks, and with me in retail and the holidays basically here in my store I was about to have a heart attack. lol.Speaking of which am I the only person who thinks it a bit crazy that people are Christmas shopping already! I mean I work at Bath & Body Works and we have our Christmas displays up and music playing. It's freaking crazy! lol. I have people coming in with Christmas lists and checking things off already. Hot damn, I haven't even started to think about what I want yet....okay okay so I'm lying. There are a few pieces of Brighton Jewelry I am dying for. lol. Whatever, I was just looking....and emailing links to my husband. haha. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
So because this is me and I always have to have some type of bitch fest in my blogs let me tell you how annoyed I get with some customers....we give out a lot of coupons at my store, A LOT! And nothing (and I am stressing the NOTHING) annoys me more than when someone has a coupon for a free item and decides they don't want that free item so they want to pick out some other random piece and get that free. Oh and don't forget the eye rolls and attitude when I say no, cause God freaking forbid you don't get what you want! IT'S FREE! TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT! Oh or how about when a sign plain as days says something the customer doesn't read it and then throws a fit at you? Or no wait for this one, this is good. I had a customer come in and complain that we didn't have big enough gift sets, so I get her a bigger one, then the problem is that it's big but she doesn't like the basket oh and it doesn't cost enough, yup you got it, her daughter will check the price so it had to be at least $60.
So after I basically make her a set of what she wants she has the nerve to freaking tell me that for that amount of money she should get more stuff, can't I throw in the little teddy bear with the mini lotion and gel (that costs $12.50!)I laughed (pretend) and told her I couldn't so then when I rung her up I asked if she wanted to get the bear and she says "not if I have to buy it"! OMG the freaking nerve of some people, and it's just starting! I can only laugh right now, I am trying to keep my humor here, haha.
So what else? Oh yeah, pretty soon I will have another blog up with my jewelry. Yup, remember when I was telling you all about the jewelry party I was having? All sterling silver and swavorski crystals? Well I ended up loving the stuff so much I was going broke. But then I really looked into it and realized I could make the stuff myself. It's not really hard, it just takes time and imagination to think up new designs. So that's what I'm doing. I have a lot of fun new pieces I will be showing you all but the best part? You can totally create your own stuff. Pick out the color, size, shape, charms...etc. I can create it, you can or we can do it together. As soon as I get it all together I'll put the link for it up here.
Well that's it for me. What's new with all of you?????
~ Nicole
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Miss me yet!
Posted by Nicole at 11:13 PM 7 comments
Labels: Books, Jewelry, Josh, Pimping Blog Buddies, Rants, Work
Monday, October 1, 2007
My first 12 hour shift...and other tid bits
Well yesterday I worked from 3pm to 3am. LOL, no they are not killing me I am still happy with my new job. Two times a year they change all the walls in the store, everything gets gutted cleaned and rearranged, and that was last night. That always takes that long but like I say twice a year so not bad. I still have one more week of training then I am in my store and I am excited. I worked the wall change in my store so I meet a lot of my staff then, they seem like a cool upbeat bunch so I'm all positives right now.
Well except for the fact that every time I go I GET LOST! LOL, I swear it has got to be the easiest mall to get to but I am just the WORST at directions and every time I make just that one wrong turn. But I WILL GET IT! lol.
Other news? I got a puppy! DON'T YELL AT ME! This one is already house trained and well behaved and it's small. I will love it forever I SWEAR! lol. (hiding from Holly here) But I have a problem, my sister had named the dog Co-Co which I like a lot but my neighbors dog has that name and since my dog only had the name for a few short months we want to give her a different name so there is no confusion. We are a really close neighborhood and the dogs hang out, as strange as that sounds. So it would be confusing. So I need you all to give me dog name ideas. Here's some pictures to help you out....
OH and a few weeks ago my cousin has her Sweet 16, but she did it really big (she's puerto rican so they do this big thing) and I got to look all hot for the night. It was fun, my cousin wore a beautiful red dress and everyone that came had to wear black or white. So here are me and my sisters looking hot! And yes I know my tata's were out for the night, but it was so false advertisement cause they don't really look as hot as that. lol. But it was nice to pretend, but as you can tell by the end of the night (last picture) they were on their way down, hahaha...
~ Nicole
Friday, September 21, 2007
I'm done with promises
Yup you heard me. I'm done. No more promises. I keep telling you all I'm back and I'm gonna try to be faithful, but it never happens. Lets all just face the facts...I moved started working full time, enrolled my kids in a crap load of things and have NO ME TIME! lol. So with all that being said the only think I'm gonna tell you is that I am keeping my blog and when I have time I will update it. I hope to keep some of my readers...and when I am on I will try to see what all of you are up to on your blogs.
So on with this post....I got a new job. YES AGAIN! lol. As you all know before I went from one jewelery store to another, I just made the move because of money (to the different company)and a management position. What you all don't know is after being there for only about 1 1/2 months the store manager was needed to fill in in another location and they made me acting manager of my location. It was only supposed to be for one month...that was two months ago.
My best friend works for Bath & Body Works and in all honesty I never thought they would pay what I wanted but she urged me to apply since they were hiring and I was worked to death enough at my job to be curious enough to give it a shot. I was working 60 hr work weeks.
I actually went through 4 interviews (I asked for a lot more than what I was making) and got offered the job for MORE than what I asked for! I have to travel a little bit. Right now I am 10 min. from my house... the mall I'll be going to is 25-30 min. from my house. But it's an easy ride and I don't mind it much. I am really excited, I'll be going over as a co-manager...basically the same as I am now they just say co instead of assistant.
So wish me all a ton of luck, my last day at the jewelry store is tomorrow and I start the new job on Sunday. Woo Hooo.
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 11:24 PM 9 comments
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Crazy Bitch Went Psycho
Okay so remember the post or two I put up when I first started my new job? About that older woman that was messing with that younger guy? Well she has always seemed a little off her rocker to me. Like I would look at her sometimes and just wonder if she was really as stupid as she seemed cause I just can't fathom somebody that dumb!
Well she really is....here's the latest....she signed a $25,000 loan over to that 24 yo guy! No co-sign, NO just her name on a loan for that amount and to be given in full to him. And surprise surprise now he is saying she is to old for him and they should just be friends. lol. Well needless to say she's been a little extra nutso lately and I can't normally take much of her to begin with. So all of that was a recipe for disaster when me and her were scheduled to work together today.
It started off pretty normal. She being extra late going on and on about hating that 24 yo. Blah blah blah. Then the computers don't start up and I am on the phones two times with tech support which the girl didn't even speak English much so we all know that put me in a mood. So when a customer came in saying they were called about their repair being in and neither of us could find it things got tense.
We were both looking, I thought she was just not looking hard enough but I couldn't find it either. So I am asking her to do certain things and getting a little annoyed because she gets over frustrated and always over talks to the customers about things that they shouldn't know. Well she's doing this and I am trying to figure out what happened when I finally tell the customer I will call him and got him out of the store.
By now she is all mad at me saying I was treating her badly when the customer was there. She is giving me major attitude and I had it. So I told her she needed to calm down and she flips. She tells me that I am a Bitch and that I treat everyone like shit and take everything out on everyone else. Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.
So she is yelling across the store all this saying I'm a bitch on wheels etc. etc. After she called me a bitch I told her she crossed a line, that I am her boss and who does she think she is talking to? Well she says that I won't be her boss for long (because I had told her that morning I was giving my notice...that's another story) and she continued to flip. So I told her she needed to go home. That I was calling our DM and telling him why I sent her home and she needed to leave the store.
O.M.G. that was it she went ballistic screaming that she was going to call him and tell him how I was treating her and that I am a horrible person. So I tell her to leave again and pick up the phone to call my DM.
As the phone is ringing she gets in my face pointing saying that I'm horrible and a bitch, so I tell her to walk away from me and she says "Why? You wanna hit me? Go on hit me!" over and over again! And OMG how I did want to hit her. But I didn't I simply put my hand in front of my face, cause I really thought she was going to hit me, and told her to get out of my face. THE BITCH TOOK MY HAND AND THREW IT TO THE SIDE! Then she tried to pull the phone out of my hand. That's when my DM answered. And I was freaking shaking with anger.
I honestly think that if my DM didn't answer when he did she would have hit me. And it's not that I thought she was going to beat me up or anything, lol. It was more that I couldn't do anything since I was at work and her boss without getting in trouble and I was fast losing my cool.
So when he answered I went to start telling him what was happening and she ran over to the other phone picked it up and started to yell and go nuts telling him that I was being abusive to her and asking her questions all the time (like that's not my job or something) and saying that I was taking my bad mood out on her and on and on. Finally he told her to calm down and put me on. Well I listened to the entire thing so I was there and calmly told him what happened. She had walked out of the store at this time.
Do you know what he told me to do?????!!!!! TAKE A BREATH AND TRY AND TALK TO HER! THAT I FREAKING NEED TO CONSOLE HER IF SHE IS HAVING ISSUES!!!!!!!!! You know what I did? Took that freaking breath and told him that I am leaving and this is my two week notice. He told me we'd talk about it. I'm all whatever but I'm leaving.
Okay skipping along a little here...she doesn't leave the store so I called security on her and they called the cops and she was escorted out of the store with her purse and all and told she wasn't allowed back today. OMG if looks could kill I'd be dead! lol.
I so wish she would have been waiting outside so I could have kicked her fat old ass when I wasn't on the clock! OMG I hate walking away, lol. Aren't I such a great person. haha.
So anyway...that was my fun and exciting day! But enough about me...how are all of you doing? lol. I really miss blogging, hopefully I'll be fitting it in more....we'll see. I'll post again really soon with everything about my new job....again! lol. But it's really good news. BYE....
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 10:59 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
A Brazilian
Alright ladies. Spill it. Who gets one done? Who's done it before but not again????? Who, like me, wants to but is sooooo scared? lol.
Personally I've wanted to get it done for awhile, but OMG how painful does that sound! I even had a friend tell me that her cousin when and had it done and was bleeding. I mean I am all for being sexy and smooth but I just don't know how much I can endure to get that.
So I am in need of some real direction here. Anyone that has had it done...is it worth it? How long does the pain last?
If the pain isn't all that bad though, or is gone in like a second then I think it beats the hell out of shaving all the freaking time.
Oh and how often do you have to get it done? Cause if you have to wait for the hair to get a certain length before you have it done again wouldn't that be gross? So I don't know, I'm weighing my options here. What to do what to do.
I was going to write a longer blog on this and other stuff but I'm about done now. lol. Not really in the blogging mood. So come on ladies, give me your thoughts. And guys too. What do you think? Is it hot? Or overboard?
And I leave you with....a vidio. ENJOY!
Brazilian Waxing - Funny videos are here
~ Nicole
Monday, August 27, 2007
Why I cannot blog faithfully?
Let me count the reasons.....
The other week.....
Monday~ 9:30am to 5:30pm WORK
Tuesday~ 9:30am to 6:45pm WORK
Wednesday~ Me day!
Thursday~ 9:30am to 10:00pm WORK
Friday~ 9:30am to 10:00pm WORK
Saturday~ 9:30am to 10:00pm WORK
Now lets see what this week looks like....
Monday~ 9:30am to 10:00pm WORK
Tuesday~ 9:30am to 1:00pm WORK, 1:30pm to 2:00pm(ish) interview for new job (VERY HOPEFUL!) Oh and this happens to be my birthday! Yeay, me.
Wenesday~ 9:30am to 10:00pm WORK
Thursday~ 9:30am to 5:00pm WORK, 5:45pm to 7:00pm killing myself at the gym, but loving it.
Friday~ 9:30am to 10:00pm WORK.......
Do you see a pattern here? I'M LOSING MY FREAKING MIND! Lets all hope I get this new job with NORMAL hours!
But on a really good note guess what Josh got me for my birthday????? Tickets for us to go see the Final 10 of American Idol from last year!!!! We're going to Atlantic City to see them in concert 9/8!!!!! I'm so excited!
~ Nicole
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
If it's not on us who is it on?
It's 12:30 in the morning and I cannot sleep. I've just watched two, no make that three episodes of a show called State of Mind, which is so funny, and I just really got the urge to blog. I seriously cannot even tell you how long it's been, well I could if I looked at my last entry but whatever you know what I mean.
Anyway, the topic that has brought me to the keyboard at 12am is being judgemental/honest/overweight/happy.
Now what does all that have to do with each other? Well here's where I'm coming from. I'm sure you've heard my story.....an average size 7 all my life, never worked out was just a normal girl that lived in the city and walked here and there doing things with her friends. Well I meet my husband, stopped walking anywhere and got into a comfortable relationship. By time I got married I was a size 9 by time I was pregnant I was a size 11.
(1999 at Josh's prom, the smallest I ever was at a size 6)
***side note***
anyone who knows anything knows that when I was a 7 it was a 7/8 and 9 it was 9/10...on and on....funny how it seems so much better by dropping that number on the end. lol.
***end side note***
Anyway two kids later I'm a size 12. Do I like myself? YES. Do I like my body? NO.
And I am sick and tired of everyone telling me that they are one and the same. No I don't agree. I love the woman I am. I am funny, smart, pretty and yeah, sexy. But I don't like my body. I don't like my thighs, I don't like my stomach, I don't like the tops of my arms (although they really aren't that bad). But it is really starting to piss me off that whenever I say I hate my body people say I have self esteem issues and I don't 'love' or 'like' myself. I don't see it like that at all.(this is a bad picture, I don't have any makeup on or my hair done, but I wanted you to see a recent picture)
I mean I'm talking about an outward physical thing here. I know my body doesn't make who I am, but that doesn't mean you should neglect it. Right? I mean like it is more understanding to me for a man that has never seen me naked to say I'm hot and sexy. Cause yeah, I am, I dress for my body type an I am pretty. Because I know that does it make me conceited? I hope not, I don't really think so. But like I was saying it is easier for me to believe this random guy than to believe that my husband finds my BODY sexy. My husbands seen me naked.
Now people confuse this when I say it too. Yes I know my husband loves ME, and I know he finds ME sexy (as in the woman I am) but my body? I have a hard time grasping that.
Am I making any sense here or is this just a stupid midnight rant?
I mean people say I am judgemental cause I comment on peoples physical appearance. Well sorry, I work in the mall, it gets slow and there is nothing to do but people watch. And I try to make a habit of not walking around with rose colored glasses on so when I see someone that looks like they are about my age and cannot even walk properly because they are so big I comment on it.
Just today I was watching a girl that was probably younger than my 26 years walk down the stairs in the mall. First of all it took her about 5 minutes, second she had to put both feet on each step, third when she did get down she had to hold the rail and take a few big deep breaths before she could continue to walk.
No there was nothing wrong with her, she was just very overweight. And why is it wrong for me to thing this is ridiculous? I mean come on the girl had to be about 20, this is just out of control. If she's not accountable for getting that way who is?
I mean don't we control what we become? Don't we control what goes into our mouths? Weather or not we exercise? I mean for that matter, even if a little off topic, don't we control what we feed our children and what activities we put them in?
I mean we just make to many excuses for the way we are. And I don't think by saying that it means I hate myself and am a horrible person. I love myself, and I want me to be the best I can be. And I'm sorry but if I cannot sit down without feeling the need to drape my arm across my stomach I'm not the best I can be. What about instead of making excuses we make goals? You know.
Maybe if we got different mindsets and approached things differently the average size will stop jumping from 7 to 12.
Sorry midnight rant over. But not sorry for my opinions, they are mine and I am entitled to them. And just so we can clarify this one last thing up....no this post does NOT mean I hate fat people. lol.
~ Nicole
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Am I really a bad mom???
Okay here's the thing....Josh just signed Jordon up for flag football. Now if you all remember last year we did the football thing, but it was real tackle and all, and Jordon did NOT like it! lol. We ended up pulling him mid season. It was to much, he was one of the youngest and smallest boys and he was getting so bullied by the 7 year olds on the teams. But Josh has been practicing with him, flag style, and he loves it. So here we go again.....
He will be having three practices a week and when school starts going down to two. If you ask me I think it's a little much for 6 year olds. But whatever. Here's where I'm wondering if I'm a bad mom. Josh came home from the registering parent meeting and is all gunge hoe on the football stuff. I just am not really interested, I don't particularly like sports. I don't care if my kids play it but it doesn't spark my interest. Well Josh is all "you need to participate and be there and blah blah blah" and my thoughts are 'you signed him up! you have the job where your done at 5! you like football' why the hell am I getting the guilt trip over this?!
I mean when he has games I will make sure I am off and there. I will try to like it and I will love watching him play. BUT why do I have to go to his practices? Josh is there, isn't that enough?
So tell me the truth. Am I really a bad mom????
You all know I am the Assistant Manager at the store I'm at right? Well before I was there obviously there was another one.
Well she went out on maternity leave, and that's when I got hired on. When just recently she came in and said she was coming back I was told that 'we didn't' expect her to come back after the baby' WTF!
So as of now there are going to be two AM's in the store, and on the DL I'm being told 'no worries, we're transferring her'.
And then the manager is all 'she may be AN Assistant but she's not MY Assistant. YOU are.' Me rolling my eyes!
So whatever, normally I just wouldn't care. I mean hey, we could really hit it off and work as a team, right? Hell no. All I hear is that she is super bossy and always wants to be in charge and that she is constantly stealing sales etc. etc. But I know I should wait and make my own opinions.
But not to mention she just had a baby and she is like a freaking size 2! That'll make you hate a girl, lol.
Anyway she comes back today and opens with me. So Josh is all why are you up so early? And I'm all I wanted to get my clothes ready and do my hair and make-up so I can get to work early. He's all why? And I'm all "Cause I'm going to be better!" lol. He's all 'your such a child'. lol.
~ Nicole
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Battle of the Phones
I need help.
Right now I am with Sprint for my cell phone services. BUT I just got a new phone in January and am not crazy about it anymore. I want something cooler, with more computer options on it and stuff. I mean I can check my email and stuff on it now, but it is just a regular flip phone. But when I got the new phone I signed another 2 year contract.
But I have a friend that works at T-Mobile and he said he can give me this cool phone I want for free or the one I REALLY want for $150 (it's a $400 phone), and also one for Josh. But I don't know if I want to switch.
If I switch I'll have to deal with the cancellation fee's from Sprint and all that. But most of my family does have T-Mobile so it will save me money there. Hmmmmm, decisions decisions.
So who has what? T-Mobile or Sprint, what should I do? Who do you suggest? Who has the better services? Tell me the good and the bad.
Right now we pay about $90 a month for 1400 shared minutes, but our nights start at 7pm. T-Mobile I get 2000 minutes for $99 but the nights don't start till 9pm. Those two hours make a world of difference. That's ..... oh hell no! Never mind I'm not switching that's over 3000 minutes for those two hours everyday (within a month) and I definitely use them! Grrrr, but I REALLY want new phones! Maybe I should just find a hook up that works for Sprint. lol.
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 12:00 PM 4 comments
Saturday, July 14, 2007
My first Tattoo!
I've wanted a tattoo for soooo long, the only thing stopping me is the 'what' and 'where'. I am not to crazy about having one on my ankle or arm where it is very out in the open, especially at work. But I didn't want one in a completely hidden area for two reasons. One cause DUH I want to show it off, and two all my hidden area's are so flubby I don't want even a tattoo artist to see it. And I don't particularly want to look at it either so the tattoo wouldn't get much attention. lol.
So me and my two sisters decided to get a tattoo of three stars signifying the three of us. We also decided to do it on the top of our foot. Right to the side of where a flip flop strap would be. This way if I wanted to or had to I could where a boot or pants to cover it at work if need be. But it is still very open with casual clothes if I want it to be.
BUT OH MY GOOD LORD did it hurt! NEVER NEVER NEVER do your foot! I actually jerked it away at one point and got myself an extra little line added to the tattoo. Hopefully it will fade, the artist said it would because he wasn't pressing hard or anything when I jerked away.
Oh and here is a picture of Josh's. He got a big one on his arm. It's hot!
And here we are all togeather with our matching tattoos! So freaking cute huh? WE want to add color eventually.
Here's one of my sister getting hers, and of my cousins. Isn't his out of this world? I love it but OMG would that hurt!
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 10:38 PM 49 comments
Friday, June 29, 2007
Work/Mall gossip
God I feel so pathetic that this is what my life boils down to but seriously! This is some crazy shit! Remember how I told you about the woman that drives me freaking batty at work? And how she is 52 and has the hots for this 24 year old? Well let me give you some more juice about all this.
The other day she asked a guy that works with us (a gay guy) what a (and I quote her here) 'coochie stretch' is! NO FREAKING LIE! She said cause she's so much older and has had two kids she needs to work it into shape. Honey there is no going back! hahah. She said she thinks if she lost about 40 pounds she'd look to be about 30, I told her she would never look 30 and she got all upset and said I was saying that she looked like an old bag! You know what? She can think what she wants, but I am not lying to her. And she goes on and on about her boobs, she keeps saying they are 'pert' and 'nice' and I just want to first gag then scream 'STOP TALKING ABOUT YOU NASTY BOOB! THEY PROBABLY DRAG ON THE FLOOR WITHOUT A BRA!'.
Now don't get me wrong here, I don't want to start a riot, I don't by any means think all 50 year old women and nasty looking and ugly. But this one is! Sorry. She sells Mary Kay on the sides and it's a wonder anyone buys it from her since her make-up is so poorly done.
Okay I'm getting a little mean here, but she is driving me NUTS! Her husband (yes she's married!) is going away next month and this guy (the 24 yo) is throwing a party at her house! She's letting him. Like a huge kegger!
And here is the kicker.....tonight she bought him a $200 diamond ring!!!!!!! Actually it was a $300 ring but it was discounted since she works there! She's a nut case. And mean while I talk to this guy when she's not around and he laughs his ass off about her. He totally makes fun of her, and is using her for all the free lunches, clothes and now jewelry she buys him. Her oldest daughter is the same freaking age as him! This guy has a son the same age and her GRANDAUGHTER! Need I say any more??????
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 10:08 PM 6 comments
Bitch, Ass, Pissed
Those three words have made my blog rated.....wait for it......here it comes.......
Mingle2 - Online Dating
Are you suprised? I'm not. Acutally I'm shocked that I only said Bitch 5x's, Ass 2x's and Pissed 1x. Come on I have to have said all that more than those times. Maybe it's just in the last so often. lol.
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 9:56 AM 4 comments
Thursday, June 28, 2007
If Only...
If I could find my glasses I'd post something new here. But my eyes are bothering me and therefor giving me a head ache so I cannot look at the computer anymore. It is making me feel sick to my stomach. Not to mention I ate a hot dog for dinner cause I have no food in my house and I HATE them so that is also turning my stomach. lol. I'm just a bowl of cherries tonight aren't I? Maybe I'll be back later.....if only I can find my glasses. :-(
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 22, 2007
Do I look like a freaking people person!?!
I was looking through a catalogue my mom has and saw this calendar thing with that (my title) saying on it and so fell in love. lol. Isn't it great??? So me!
Anyway, how is everyone? I feel like I have a whole new life here. I'm working 40 or more hours a week, which I know is normal for a lot of you. But I've been a part time worker for the past 6 years so it's taking some getting used to. Also the fact that I'm in management, like someone will ask me permission for something and I think to myself 'why the hell are they asking me?' then it hits me and I'm all OH YEAH! Yup, a real dumb moment, but we won't tell the workers that. lol.
There is this one woman that works at the store and OMG I've already got a million stories about this chick! She is 52, married with two grown children and one grandchild and I have no idea how she got this far in life! No I'm so not joking. You ask her a yes or no question and get a 5 hour answer. It drives me nuts. As I sit here and try to think up stories I realize that you either have to work in retail or meet her to know what I mean. It won't come off as good if I just tell you about it. But I'll try. Here's one example:
Last week I handed her a box and said 'can you tag these?' Now mind you this box has been sitting in our safe for awhile now and I was pretty sure everyone knew untagged merchandise was in it, so when she gave me a look of total and utter confusion I said (slower) 'there is merchandise in the box, look at the receipt attached and match that number to the number on the tag, then tag it and put it out.' The light bulb goes on, or so I think, she sits down at a case and opens the box (a case as in a diamond counter that customers walk up to and is open to the entire store), just then a customer comes in. In her haste to get the customer she just ups and walks away from the box of merchandise sitting on the case, so I say 'M put away the merchandise first', she turns back and I swear to God says 'OH there's merchandise in there?' WHAT THE HELL DID I TELL HER? WHAT THE HELL DID SHE THINK SHE WAS TAGGING? WHAT THE HELL DID SHE JUST SIT DOWN AND LOOK AT IN THE FREAKING BOX? Is it me here or is she a bit batty? After that she put the box away and went to help the customer and proceeds to then working it out to herself out loud. As in she is with a customer and muttering under her breath 'oh yeah, that would make sense that there was merchandise in there, oh yeah. okay now I get it'! Needless to say the customer did not buy from Miss. Crazy.
I've got so much more on her (as in the 24 year old BOY she is messing with!) but I'll touch on that later. lol. I'll leave you hanging for the moment. You know to get you back again. lol.
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 9:27 AM 6 comments
Friday, June 8, 2007
I'm moved!
Have you missed me? I have sooooo missed blogging. I can't wait to fully be back. I still have a ton of unpacking to do and work to adjust to.
BUT I did post a moving story over on my other blog. So go here and read it. AND DON'T LAUGH! It was very upsetting.
Be back soon. Miss everyone.
Oh and real quick listen to this conversation:
(I just turn on the radio, and Big Girls Don't Cry is on)
Abby: I like this song
Jordon: No Abby you don't, you never even heard it before.
Me: Do you know what this song is called?
Both of them: What?
Me: Big Girls Don't Cry
(a moment of silence)
Jordon: But mommy, your a big girl and you cry!
Oh and how about Jordon trying to be cool in front of the girls in our new neighborhood.
One of the girls: DARN!
Abby: That's a bad word.
Jordon: No it's not.
Abby: Yu huh.
Jordon: (looking at the girl) Pssh, I say it all the time!
Me: Jordon! Abby is right, it is a bad word, and you don't say it! I better not hear it again from anyone.
Jordon got all shame faced. I had to walk away and laugh.
~ Nicole
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Move is ON!
Okay so it's on, 11 days and counting till I move. I just wanted to pop in and give you all an update.
I gave my notice the beginning of last week, this Saturday is my last day. My boss took it better than I thought. She's only mean about it behind my back not to my face, lol, gotta love petty women, right? So but really it's not that bad, who knows maybe they'll actually give me a best wishes card this weekend....
I start the new job on Tuesday, exactly a week from now! I'm really excited. I just can't wait to be back. I don't know if I mentioned I worked in this store before, the entire year it was first opened. So it's kinda like I'm moving back home to live and work. lol.
We signed our new lease this past Saturday and should get our keys the beginning of next week. So then we can slowly start moving some boxes and stuff. The big move though is 6/2, we got a HUGE truck so we can do it all in one big move. Since it's a 40 min. drive we don't want to be going back and forth. I'll take a ton of pics and post them of my new place. I'm so excited.
So after all that.....thank you all for wishing me well and routing for us to find the right place and for me to get the nerve to give my notice. lol. Don't know how I'd have gotten through. ha.
I'm sure I won't be around much now with all the packing and all. So I'll see you when I see you. But don't worry....I WILL BE BACK!
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 9:48 AM 4 comments
Monday, May 14, 2007
WE GOT IT! WE GOT IT!.....We're growing in leaps and bounds!
Remember I told you all that the house we wanted to rent fell through? Well we've been looking like CRAZY ever since trying to find something to move into by 6/1....well we looked at a few this weekend and saw one we REALLY liked.
It's a townhouse, 3 bedrooms (large ones!), 1.5 bathrooms, living room, dinning room, eat in kitchen, family room, wash room, yard, and garage. It's two levels and I loved it at first site! Josh was a bit weary when we pulled up cause there seemed to be lots of people out (it's on a culdesac) but I love that. Neighbors you can talk to and know, kids to play with ours. And Josh said it didn't' look like it was going to be big enough. He was pleasantly surprised. We both ended up loving it. It is a block and a half from the school Jordon will be going to (he'll be a walker), and the school is a good one.
The landlord just called 10 minutes ago and said it's ours! WE FREAKING GOT IT!!! We sign the lease this weekend and move in June 1st! I'm sooooo happy, excited, and relieved. Come on everyone...big sigh of relief!On other news. This past weekend I went to a surprise birthday party for two of my aunts. One was turning 40 and one 50, the one that turned 40 lives in Florida and came down for the surprise. So in talking to Missy (40 yr.) I told her how I keep in touch with her son and my other cousin from Florida via myspace. She then asked me if Anna (my cousin) showed me pictures of her sister. I just looked at her...NOBODY even told me my aunt was pregnant again! I was so mad! This is the conversation we had:
Me: Uh, this is going to sound really bad...but I didn't' know Cookie was pregnant.
Missy: Oh nobody did.
Me: (thinking it is really odd that she kept her pregnancy a secret, what is it? A love child not from her husband???) Ummm, okay. Well how old is the baby?
Missy: 19
Me: What?
Missy: 19
Me: (looking at her like she's nuts) What are you talking about?
Missy: Cookie had a baby when she was a teenager and gave her up for adoption. She just found Cookie about 6 months ago.Yup, can anyone explain why I was like the only person in my family that didn't know this! When I asked my mom why she didn't tell me she first acted shocked that I didn't know, "how did you not know that?", I mean the obvious reason is because SHE is my mother and she didn't tell me. Then she says "don't you remember me telling you that all Cookie's friends thought Hannah (my youngest sister) was Cookies baby and I took her to raise her since they look alike?" Me, "NO, I think I'd remember that!" Sheesh!
So I just found a long lost cousin, I've been myspace messaging with her since this weekend. My cousin's girlfriend had a baby last weekend, my other cousin's wife is due any time now....AND I found out another aunt of mine gave a baby up for adoption awhile ago (she/he would be around 21 now) my mom's step mom gave a baby up for adoption before (she would be around 35ish, or younger) and I knew my cousin gave a baby up about 7 or 8 years ago. OMG! Is this not all a bit crazy?!Let me just tell you how big my family already is, and this is just my mom's side! My mom is one of 10, all my aunts and one uncle have kids, there are 28 cousins in all, and there are 6 great cousins. I guess that's what they'd be called. Actually there are 7 if you count the one my cousin gave up for adoption. Sheesh. Oh and the cousin that just found my aunt is pregnant, so there's another one. lol.
Thank God I don't buy for everyone in my family for the holidays, huh? I'd be more broke than I already am. But in all honesty? I love my family, and I love that it's a large one. The more the merrier.
*the baby is my cousins baby girl. the picture of all the women are my aunts, my mom is the second in from the left. the other pics are of me, brother, sister, mom, and cousin.*
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 9:42 AM 13 comments
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I have lost all respect for George! He was never my favorite character, actually for all of the first season and most of the second I couldn't stand him, but he's grown on me since. And to think after all that he has to go and actually believe Izzy's STUPID and so unbelievable LIE about not having feelings for him. Okay yeah, that's not completely a ploy to get him to stay. WHATEVER! Which by the way I don't want him and Izzy together.
Oh shit! And did you see the tension at the end when Izzy was talking about having the man you love love you back. And Kallie was all twitching, you know she wanted to go Latina on her white ass! lol. No offense, just saying. Also Izzy has been pissing me off beyond words lately. What a skank, have some freaking respect, for both herself and her 'best friend'. If she really cared about him she'd respect his marriage and leave him the hell alone.
Oh and I'm sorry but I am so over Meredeth. Yes it sucks what an ass her father was to her, but I'm tired of all her drama. And you know what? I think Derek deserves better. She pushes him away and then when he gives her space she wants him back. Then he comes back and she ignores him and pushes away again. Make up your damned mind girl!
I soooo want to know what is up with Alex. Not really him and memory girl, although I like her in the show. But him. We don't really know anything about him. I want some deets!
LMAO! And how about the previews for next week? Christina has no eyebrows! That has got to be one of my worst nightmares. Which would explain why I have bushy eyebrows (always forgetting to clean them up with the tweezers, to busy), and won't get them waxed!
And lastly...(since I don't care enough to discuss anything else that happened tonight) WTF happened on that mountain?!?! I think I am more pins and needles over that than anything else. Do you think they'll follow through with it next week? I am all about it!
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 11:58 PM 5 comments
Labels: Grey's Anatomy, TV
Can anything simply workout right?
Okay not to complain all the time BUT.....
My boss that pisses me off has been working for the past two weeks sick, and guess what? I freaking can't breath out of my nose, and am hacking all the time with a sore throat! Thank you, thank you very much!
The house that we were going to rent with an option to buy? Yeah well that fell through. After over a month of "it's yours, it's yours. we just need to meet all together to sign the papers" it turns into "well we just don't know what we really want to do." And it's off the market. Yeah, that guy got a freaking ear full from me. I mean seriously, your telling me you own 15 properties and THIS is how you run your business? I want to hurt someone!
Not to mention my landlord has our condo in the paper to rent out by 6/1 or 6/15 the latest. So I need to find something like yesterday!
Then I need to find Abby a preschool. Not living in that area now makes it really hard to know what is where. And even more annoying is I need monday and friday from 8-2 and wednesday from 2-6, guess when nap time is? Either 12-2 or 1-3 depending on the school. This really annoys me because I'm paying for a freaking half day and she's going to sleep for one to two hours of it? She can nap at home! Grrrr.
Then the custom jewelry party I had, then my mom had? Well two of my bracelets had to be restrung because they were either messed up or wrong. Then I was told if an order was in by 5/8 it would be done for mothers day. Well now she's saying she didn't know my or my mom's order was for mothers day so it won't be done by then. YET a party she had just last friday was all done. I'm all WTF! Nobody said it had to specified that it was for mothers day, she just said 'order by 5/8 you'll get it by mothers day!' I'm all beyond pissed.
So anyone have anything good going on? Cause I sure don't.
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 10:16 AM 10 comments
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Your making me mad!
Okay so not all of you, lol. I know, actually I don't know if you all know, but anyway, I started a book blog by myself, Escape With Me. It's fun, it's cool and if you like books you'll love it.
But that's not my point. The other day I wrote something up about some books I took out from the library and I needed help with something, and nobody is helping me! So if you read get you booty over there and answer this post!
Oh and while your at it, enter this contest too.
Thanks, love you all! lol.
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 9:59 AM 3 comments
Labels: Blogs, Contests, My book blog
Monday, May 7, 2007
To My Husband, I love you babe!
Have any of you heard Beyonce's new song, Flaws and All? Well it's new to me, I'm not big on music. I mean I listen to the radio when I am not listening to an audio book but even then I rarely know who is singing the song or what the title of said song is.
Well the other night my sister was over and she pulled up her myspace page so I could here the new song she had on her page. This was it and OMG I loved it! After the fist few sentences I knew it was a song for me and Josh.
I'm a train wreck in the morning
I'm a bitch in the afternoon
Every now and then without warning I can be really mean towards you
I'm a puzzle yes indeed
You see the picture clear as day
I don't know why you love me
and that's why I love you
My sister immediately agreed with me, especially after she heard the part about being a bitch. lol.
See you all hear my complaints about my husband, cause really why would I come here and tell you all the things I do wrong? But in all honesty? My family is constantly yelling at me to be nice to my husband. Don't get me wrong, I don't set out to be Queen Bitch, but more often than not that's what happens. And to admit it afterwards? Nah, that'd be to big of me.
So every now and then I have a break down of sorts and I'll tell him how much I love him that I am so sorry for being so bitchy and moody and he's a great husband to me. I do love my man with all my heart and I want to tell all of you that and dedicate this song to him.
Love you babe!
But this DOES NOT mean that I am going to stop posting all my complaints when I have them! lol. I'm not that nice of a wife! hahaah.....And hey, I was a bitch when he met me and he fell in love with me. I wouldn't' want to disappoint him by changing all that up! Right?
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 11:30 AM 46 comments
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Brothers and Sisters
Does anybody besides me watch this show? And love it as much as me? I'm obFREAKINGsessed withe this show!
Okay, how slutty and skanky are Holly and Rebecca, what a team of mother and daughter. Huh? I was totally on Rebecca's side and was pissed at Joe till the end of the show last week when we saw what really happened.
Which is something I want to talk about. I know Joe and Sarah are having problems and what Joe did was totally wrong, but would you forgive him? And don't you think Rebecca was more in the wrong? It's like she's trying to pull apart their marriage. I think she wants to sabotage the entire Walker family any way that she can. I so don't like her.
And Kitty? OMG she is such a funny drunk/druggie! lol...and Kevin just can't keep his mouth quiet about a damn thing can he?
Why was Nora laughing with Holly at the end? She should have bitch slapped her while she was throwing all that food at her. Oh boo hooo, I don't feel bad for Holly at all.
But I am all stressed over what's going to happen with Tommy's wife! I don't want her to lose any of the babies! I was in tears at the end of the show.
Okay, my wrist hurts, that's all for tonight. TTYL....
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 11:13 PM 2 comments
Psycho Cat
Stop following me!
You know how some people are afraid of dogs? Or mostly big animals? Well I thought I was pretty much the same. I guess not.
Tonight as I was walking down the side walk from my car to my front door a cat came from my neighbors porch over to where I was walking. I thought it was going to just go past me, I've seen the cat around before, well it didn't. It proceeded to walk right behind me! All I kept thinking is that my legs were bare to it and I kept imagining it pouncing on me, claws and all.
I mean isn't it strange that the thing wouldn't leave me alone? It followed me all the way up to my door. I had to yell at it to leave me. Ask Holly, I'm not lying. She was on the phone with me.
Then about 2 hours later I went to walk outside to talk on my cell.....you guessed it! The freaking cat found me and followed me again! So I got all freaked and went in the house and out on my patio, all I heard the entire time I was out there was the cat crying.
What the hell! Why is it following me and stalking my patio? Why isn't it afraid to follow so close to me. And most important....WHY AM I AFRAID OF A CAT????
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 12:00 AM 8 comments
Friday, May 4, 2007
Thank God for the Internet! So what do you think???
So what do you all think of my new layout??? Me loves it! MUCHO! I don't know what my thing has been lately. My last three layouts have been black, white, or grey. Or a mix of them all. And they've all had a girl on it.
See it's kinda like my book cover issues. I like to see a person I just don't like anyone to tell me what they look like. Here her face is covered, my last one was a side profile, and the one before her head was down.
I don't know, whatever. All I know is I LOVE THIS LAYOUT! I'm still trying to tweak the side bar though. Not everything is there or in the order I want it. Baby steps though. Right?
I just got done watching One Tree Hill's new episode online! Woo hooo! It was good too. Except that Brook and Payton so wouldn't have REALLY gone to prom wearing their bloodied ripped dresses, with blood and bruises all over themselves too. That was stretching it a bit much don't ya think?
Oh but I did like how Lucas didn't realize it was Dan but they threw that girl in there. That seems like a good twist.
Was it me or did Hailey seem kinda like she was hiding something from Nathan when they were at the place where they took the brick from the wall?
Lastly...how dumb is Mouth??? That's all folks...see ya Monday.
P.S. Why do I feel like I am way to old to be watching this show? I'm only twenty freaking five! Sheesh. And don't ask what is up with the P.S. shit. I don't know. haha.
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 11:58 PM 7 comments
Help. And a give away....
I have a dilemma I need help with. So put your helpful caps on and give me advice. But first let me say Nikki over at Now What the Hell do I do? Is giving away a peice of her Homemade Jewelry for Mothers Day! So go enter.
Okay now back to my problem.
As you all know I am leaving my current job at #1 Jewelers, where I am a part time sales associate, and going to work full time as an Assistant Manager at #2 Jewelers.
Also something to know is the Regional Manager for #2 is the former Regional for #1. So without getting into all the drama it's not a comfy situation between my current employer and my soon to be employer. And the RM for #2 is married to the boss I had before the boss I have now. The boss I have now doesn't really like her .
But anyway I'm getting distracted with all the details.
Obviously I am going to give my two week notice, I would never just quite. But I don't want to tell my boss where I am going. And if I knew I could get away with not telling I would. But the Jewelry world is kind of small with people from both stores knowing and talking to each other and I'm sure it'd come out before my two weeks were up and there for be worse than if I just told her.
The thing is my boss is a very ..... well she takes her job very personal. And I know she'll take it as a personal slight that I'm leaving, especially to work for my previous boss.
I mean my boss now kinda views herself as a motherly (abet a mean one) to me. She's always buying me dinner and giving me clothes. Yup, I'm not joking. She spends to much money all the time. Then she'll tell me she doesn't like it anymore and give it to me. She's given me $150.00 boots, Ann Taylor clothes, Nine West shoes. You know I won't be wearing anything from her when I give my notice. lol.
I just don't know. What should I do? Me and my boss have kind of a love hate thing going on. I mean she is a horrid bitch a lot of times, but so am I. And I know in her way she cares about me and this will really hurt her.
And not to mention one of my closest friends is my Assistant Manager now and I know she's gonna take a lot of shit when I leave. Our boss is going to assume she knew the whole time and kept it from her and there for she'll get the shit end of everything for awhile. Our boss can hold a grudge.
I don't know that there is really any solution to my dilemma but to be honest...but I just thought I'd ask for any advice that might be out there.
Come on I need help here. Where are all my peeps? I feel neglected here.
Oh and I am taking a big chance here, maybe a stupid one, cause I was looking at my Active Meter and there are two readers from my exact area of home and work....hmmmm....what are the chances???
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 9:02 AM 8 comments
Labels: Giveaways, Me, Opinion, Pimping Blog Buddies, Work
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
WHY, WHY....OMG I wanna cry!
My DVR is on the floor in our room since we are moving and everything is everywhere. Josh has to walk over it to get to his dresser. WHY THE HELL DID HE WALK ON THE CORD SO IT THEN PULLED OUT OF THE DVR AND MOST IMPORTANTLY NOT RECORD THE NEW EPISODE OF ONE TREE HILL LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So does anyone know when I can catch a rerun of tonight's show?
Okay and how sad is it that Chris left???? I was soooo sad, but I gotta tell you I was so scared it was going to be Blake, with the risk he took this week. Thank God it wasn't. The whole time they were up there I was going "omg omg I can't look" and Abby was covering my eyes going "it's okay mommy don't look" lol. She is sooo cute.
I really hope we see Chris with a CD out soon though, I think he's good enough. Here is his performance from this week, I think he did great:
And although Phil wasn't my most favorite in the show I wasn't ready to see him leave. He was just starting to get really good in the last few weeks.
Here is Phil's performance from this week, I think this was one of his best performances:
I really wish Lakisha would leave. I can't stand watching her. lol, Josh was almost gagging when Simon kissed her. It was soooo funny! Take a look:
I persoally LOVED what Blake did to the song he sang. I love him!!! Here he is:
~ Nicole
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Pimping out new Jewelry!
Hey all, since I wasn't blogging for awhile I'm a little behind on the happenings with my blog buddies. But I am rectifying that now. One of my favorite bloggers Nikki, from Now what the hell do I do?, is starting her own Jewelry line.
It's called Delvii Creations. Her pendants are unique, fun and one of a kind. They are made using polymer clay, after baking, each form is sanded and buffed and a clear matte glaze top coat is applied. Every month she'll offering a new sale special.
So check it out and order if you like them!
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 11:41 AM 6 comments
Labels: Jewelry, News, Pimping Blog Buddies
Monday, April 30, 2007
Does This Sound Familiar
Recently, I was diagnosed with A.A.A.D.D. - Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder.
This is how it manifests:
I decide to water my garden.
As I turn on the hose in the driveway, I look over at my car and decide it needs washing.
As I start toward the garage, I notice mail on the porch table that I brought up from the mail box earlier.
I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car.
I lay my car keys on the table, put the junk mail in the garbage can under the table, and notice that the can is full.
So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the garbage first.
But then I think, since I'm going to be near the mailbox when I take out the garbage anyway, I may as well pay the bills first.
I take my check book off the table, and see that there is only 1 check left.
My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go inside the house to my desk where I find the can of Coke I'd been drinking.
I'm going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the Coke aside so that I don't accidentally knock it over.
The Coke is getting warm, and I decide to put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold.
As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye--they need water.
I put the Coke on the counter and discover my reading glasses that I've been searching for all morning.
I decide I better put them back on my desk, but first I'm going to water the flowers.
I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water and suddenly spot the TV remote. Someone left it on the kitchen table.
I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV, I'll be looking for the remote, but I won't remember that it's on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I'll water the flowers.
I pour some water in the flowers, but quite a bit of it spills on the floor.
So, I set the remote back on the table, get some towels and wipe up the spill.
Then, I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do.
At the end of the day:
- The car isn't washed
- The bills aren't paid
- There is a warm can of Coke sitting on the counter
- The flowers don't have enough water,
- There is still only 1 check in my check book,
- I can't find the remote,
- I can't find my glasses,
- And I don't remember what I did with the car keys.
Then, when I try to figure out why nothing got done today, I'm really baffled because I know I was busy all damn day, and I'm really tired.
I realize this is a serious problem, and I'll try to get some help for it, but first I'll check my e-mail.
Do me a favor. Forward this message to everyone you know, because I don't remember who I've sent it to.
Don't laugh -- if this isn't you yet, your day is coming!
(My husband sent this to me in an email. It is sooo me!)
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 9:20 AM 7 comments
Saturday, April 28, 2007
This Freaking ROCKS!!!
Today I went to meet the Regional Manager for the new store I'm going to work for. We discussed money and when I'd start. And I freaking rock cause even after he offered me less than I wanted I held my ground and walked away getting exactly what I wanted. Go me! I start on May 20th. Aren't you all so happy and proud of me!!! lol. I sure as hell am.
****************SIDE NOTE*********************
I am watching late night tv and just heard Rosie is leaving The View in June. Does anyone have the dirt? I am so happy about this. The show went all kinds of trashy with her on it. Good riddance.
*************END SIDE NOTE********************
Other news. We STILL haven't heard back from the landlord at the house we want to rent. As of now this is what we know....three people including us looked at the house. They want us to rent it cause for whatever reason we are their ideal tenants (yeah right it's cause we're so freaking perfect. NOT! I'm at a loss as to why). YET we've been trying to set up a meeting to firm out all the repairs that are going to be done first and get a move in date. Sign a lease and all. WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY WAITING FOR! This is driving me nuts, the waiting and not knowing. Grrr.
Oh yeah, and I started a new blog! I'm sure most of you know I used to post book reviews and other fun book stuff at Sanctuary's Finest. Well the bunch of us went different ways, with our blogs we're still friends, and this is my new blog, Escape With Me. Go check it out and see how freaking cool it is.
Oh and Nikki, I am soooo going to do your book of the month Ole! over there. I FREAKING SWEAR TO GOODNESS. I know I said I was going to try before but I sucked and didn't, but I really will this time. lol.
I am having such a good time right now. I went to work tonight came home to an empty house. Got into comfy close watched October Road (which I was not impressed with the finale, but whatever) surfed the net, now I am blog hopping and posting. And the best part? I don't have to work till 4pm tomorrow so I can sleep as long as I want. I am in no rush to go to bed, as a matter of fact I'm gonna watch last nights Grey's Anatomy when I'm done here. No kids no husband no nothing till Sunday.
Josh went to NY with a few of his guy friends to stand in line all night to get tickets to go and see the NFL draft or something. I don't' know. But he's having fun and I'm getting lots of me time. I'm LOVING IT!
I so need to dress hot more often. Today I dressed nice for my meeting, even if I did look like I was going to a funeral in all my black. I had on my new Nine West 4" heels, black pencil skirt, black button down shirt which all looked really hot with my sterling silver chunky ball necklace and bracelet with my long dangling earrings.
I was hot and I was getting checked out left and right. And damn if it didn't feel good! Whatever a girl likes attention every now and then to know she's still got it. DON'T JUDGE ME!
~ Nicole
Monday, April 23, 2007
Are you a good friend?
Usually I tell people I'm not a great friend.
I mean I'm good in the sense that I will always love you always have your back never allow anyone to disrespect you or anything, and when it REALLY counts I am there. But bad in the way that I forget things (like random get together dates set up), don't call sometimes, get busy with my kids and work and not have time for you.
So I don't know, does that mean I'm good or bad? Or just normal?
I get annoyed at my friends though when I don't get a basic respect that I give. And I don't think that's to much to ask for. I give you my utmost respect and honesty all the time. Even if I totally forget I said I'd do something with you I will tell you that instead of lying to you.
So if I am mad at you I tell you. If I want to do something and it may or may not hurt your feelings? I'll tell you.
I don't sugar coat things, I'm blunt and straight to the point.
I'm a bitch sometimes but I think at the end of the day I'm pretty damn good to my friends. And I'm sick of finding out that I don't always give my friendship to deserving people. It's a waste of my fucking time.
So, this post doesn't really have an exact purpose. Nothing in particular happened. There have been random things going on with different people in my life lately and I just wanted to vent.
But I am interested in what you have to say. What is a true friend to you? Are you a good friend? Are you always honest or do you think there is nothing wrong with a little white lie every once in awhile?
~ Nicole
Posted by Nicole at 10:49 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
23 and counting, amoung other random things.
24....that's how many boxes I have packed as of right now.
1 is full of photo albums and framed pictures.
2 are full of kitchen stuff
21 are full of my books!
Josh says I officially have issues and need to get rid of alot of them. I just can't do it though.
I went to see TMNT last night with my parents and my kids. They treated, it was really nice.
Some funny things?
I went to Dunkin Donuts before I got there and bought my parents coffee and the kids doughnut holes. Then snuck them in inside my HUMONGOUS pures. lol. People make fun of my over sized bags but they wouldn't be able to sneak food into the theaters without it now would they? Hmmm. I had books and all arranged around so the coffee's wouldn't spill, then I laid one of Abby's dolls over the top so nobody could see in.
When I got in the theater I noticed that there were subtitles on the screen. That annoyed me because everything annoys me. So of course I am sitting there complaining about the stupid words on the screen.
Then the kid behind us is being ungodly loud, I keep shooting his parents looks, and was being my normal rude self since I was being inconvenienced during a movie I was watching. But I soon looked like the fool I was....why? I look back and caught the parent signing to the kid. Yeah, he was deaf, that's why there were subtitles and why he was grunting and being loud. I felt like an ass. lol.
Oh well live and learn.
My family is crazy. NO really I am not joking.
Remember awhile ago I posted something about that custom made jewelry party I was having? Well my mom decided to have a party last week. Me and one of my friends from work went, she had never met my parents yet. I warned her but I still don't think she was prepared.
Towards the end of the party my mom got to pick out a bracelet for free. So she did and then was adding her two charms to it, first a prayer box, THEN........she wanted the Star of David. This is what happened:
Mom: Can I get the Star of David?
Me: NO!
Mom: Why not?
Me: Your not Jewish! Why would you want that?
Mom: It looks nicer than the regular star.
***then she looks at my friend Jamie and says***I can get it right?
Jamie: Ummm, no.
Mom: Fine, what else is there?
***after we look around for awhile she see's a picture of this hand with a heart in it....and the following happens***
Lory (the sales woman): Okay, sure.
****about 20 min. later and Lory is packing up. Me, Jamie, my mom, brother, sister, dad and grandmom are sitting around the table in the other room.****
Mom: I wanted the Star of David
Jose: Mom your not Jewish.
Grandmom:Why would you want that Beth?
Mom: It looked nice. And my father was Jewish.
Jose: Mom your father was Italian.
Mom: No my Father in Heaven!
All of us: OMG mom be serious! lol.
Dad: Beth it's your bracelet! Get what you want.
Me: Mom! Use your normal voice and go into the other room and tell Lory!
Lory: Oh, were you talking to me?
***after my mom finished up her order and Lory tells her she'll get it in about 2 weeks.***
I just shook my head and walked away. She really doesn't think she is acting crazy when she does things like that. And I really think she got the Star of David on her bracelet. People are gonna think she's crazy.
~ Nicole
Sunday, April 15, 2007
What's going on latley?
The move???
Well we are not moving in with my in-laws. lol. I know some of you are saying 'thank God you just side stepped a disaster', which may be true. But it would have helped us save money. But no matter, since it is no more. Now they are moving and we are moving but separately.
They have signed a lease for the place they are going to and all already. We just looked at a few places today. We saw one we REALLY liked, and it's very close to my parents. Perfect price range. Everything brand new. But you know how it is....we have to wait, see what they say, hope nobody else is trying to get it too. And just pray we get it. The only down side? One bathroom, I was REALLY hoping for more than that. But after being in condos and apartments I'm just happy to have a garage, driveway, my own mail box, a yard.....and all that if we get it. So cross your fingers with us. And yes it is to rent, we aren't buying for a few years yet.
New job????
I kinda got offered an Assistant Manager position at a different jewelry store than where I am now. It would be at the mall that is close to where we want to move. ALOT more money and better hours. Yes it is retail so I still have a few nights and weekends, which suck, but it's what I got for now so it's what I'll take.
I said 'kinda offered' cause it hasn't been done official yet. It was over the phone and since I know, personally, the person I was talking with it wasn't really professional. So this week I am supposed to meet the District manager and talk money. So I guess I need your fingers crossed for that too.
What else???
Not much I guess, isn't that sad? My life right now revolves around moving and my job. Yeay me! NOT. Uggg.
Well I just wanted to give you all an up date on me. Sorry I haven't been around but I've just not been in a blogging mood for awhile. I mean even over at my team book blog, I've been reading like crazy lately. I have a ton of reviews in the drafts section, but I just can't seem to pound one out.
~ Nicole
Thursday, April 5, 2007
The Concert....
I loved it, but I am so tiered right now so I am going to just post pictures of our night. So....here's the night without words....
(**I am editing this just to let you all know that I know that there is some weird code looking words under and above all my pics. But a headache is setting in and I am not fixing it. So enjoy the pictures and ignore the words. Thanks!**)
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~ Nicole
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